» This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
.,aww... i won't be active for a week guys... huhu i'm gonna miss ftalk.. actually we are going to our province and unfortunately the internet shop there is far away from my grandmother's house and hehe i want a vacation!! that's all.. anyway see you next week guys.. i'm going to miss you all! huhuhu
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
lol ohh crap ill be gone for a few days where going out somewhere with my freakin relatives lol im gonna miss my hunney
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
hmmm i'll be gone about 2 days or just 1 probably i'll make kulet bhea hehe
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
i will be gone for a few days or times..
bcoz i wanna prepare my national exam..
i really miss ftalk..
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
bye for now!
having my summer classes microbiology & parasitlogy, nutrition, and nursing care management 501200...
pray fo me please.. hav 2 study hard hopefully il be having my badge this coming june...
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
i'll absence this week. cause i'll have my national exam on april 22-24th.
gonna miss ftalk and esp. my hunney
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
I wont be active that much anymore...but ill be checking out Ftalk
Bye bye guyz..see yah when i see you
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
think ill be gone for a day or two not quite sure though..
so many problems... and i needed to li-low ahehe
well but ill be checking from time to time.. but i wont stay log in for too long.
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
I'm going on a vacation,, don't know when I'll come back,,
be back before may 19?
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
i'll be gone for a week or 2 but i'll be back before [b]May 16[/b]..
i'll miss you guys..
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Ill be off for a couple of days starting tomorrow...
Im going back to Manila tom and I have so many things to do
im gonna miss eftok but ill visit naman once in a while although Hiatus muna on postings
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
il be visiting Ftlak but not that frequent..
maybe only sum hours or minutes of my nyts cause i have many appointments to do..
dont wori am stil here..
just missing it.
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
i`m going just a couple hours...having a family celebrate..
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
be out for 5 days or
more due to i'll be
attending a Youth
Environment Summer
Camp in Dumaguete
guyz. the said trip will be
tomorrow so bye to
ftalk for the meantime..
Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:
Sorry people I will be absent for a month I think because I am very busy girl right now sorry for the long hiatus
» This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while...
All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh: