• » This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

expect me to be active anytime of the day, as i am not working, just always at home, and i own a computer at home.
Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

I am currently getting ready to re-locate to a new apartment (with more expensive rent) and I will be mostly inactive for a period of a couple months. I have to get caught up on all my other bills before I can afford to get internet connection again. Anyway, if I'm able to find a net cafe in my area, I will try to stop by FTalk from time to time, but don't expect to see me around much for the next 2-3 months. =|
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

oh ok i believe that even though im still a newbee im qualified for this hehe! hmm im going to leave for a while maybe change sched for eptok cause im going to do a job hunt!!!As Mc Arthur says I shall return!!!:eh:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

after a few weeks, i finally opened this forum. sorry for being absent because of studies. and i dont know when will i also be back. i am really sorry especially to my group, TS. thanks.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

i will be absent for 1 week because of fixing my blog and because of this school days..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

I'm not gonna be here in [b]Monday-Friday[/b], I have school, but in weekends I'll be active. :/
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]i guess i'll be out next week, for the whloe week! uhhmm..:( we'll be busy again in school, hehe..foundation day is comming! so exciting! :P[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

im always online, im just not into posting :paranoid:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

just noticed the so many changes here in ftalk.. too bad school demands so much of my time hence my absence...
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

whaaaa... tnx for this thread...^^ i'm also absent for a week dis past weeks... coz i'm too busy at my studies...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

i'm absent 2 days only coz of Trojan Virus and i'm busy this few days coz of pre final exam! :P
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

ill be gone again for sometime..:D i just need some rest..=)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

^ That was a flimsy excuse kuya. Haha :lol: *[i]peace[/i]* ------------------ I'll be gone for [i]"God knows how long"[/i] I'm not sure. I think I'd still be droppin' by every once in a while. I'm just busy :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[quote][align=center]NICE~ =) :thumbsup: THREAD kuya ephe~ [quote]Me too... BUSY~! Schooling matters...[/quote] [/align]ahahah...[/quote]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

there's only one reason for me for being not active in this thread: [b]School business =)[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

~I've been inactive for a while and expect me to be inactive these couple of days too... :disgust: Sorry, school days and activities are really killing me. 4 dances in 1 month??? Can you survive that???!! Haha. LOL. Sorry if I'm not online often. But I'll try to be active as possible. :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

so if not active don't need to post here? :confuse:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

I think I will be absent tomorrow night, cause I need to make my grades up as I can. And we had so many test that day, so I think I will be absent for a while.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Hi everyone. I apologize i was absent yesterday bcoz its my rest day from work. I'm back right now.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

I'll be absent. Due to insistent public demand. :wasted: - - - Finals exams will be next week so... :doubt: & one more thing, It's October. :/ - drooling for sem break & celebration. :redface: [i]Lalalalala..[/i] - - - Enjoy posting/[s]spamming[/s] everyone! =D :penguin:
  • » This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

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