• » This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Sorry I'll be gone for a while rush mode wahaha [scroll][Run Penguin Run].../ :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: [/scroll]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

sorry, Am sick, need to rest for a while.. =p and been busy in school.. =(

Last edited by '-'LoisFuLL'-' (2007-06-22 05:17:15)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

im unto school mode!hihi^^ ;)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

huhuhu it's been a long time since i was not active [3 weeks] and now i have a lot of schoolworks.. maybe i'll be active twice a week.. huhuhu...
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

i shall be entering university this saturday..therefore, i won't be able to log in regularly. I wish this site all the best..and goodluck to everyone, especially the mods.. Thanks Guys.....
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

wahhh i mis posting and posting but as of now..... deep study is more important hehe but still im hir even sometimes um invi, im offline...whenevr i got free time i will still help and needed help hehe......
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Me I had lot of time this semister but the internet room in school is not yet open so I need to rent computers outside and having fun diggin' any.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

I have to use proxy to access Ftalk! waaahh T_T
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

^ Yeah, how come ftalk is like this lately? [b]Not-so-on-topic:[/b] I'm very very present now because we don't have classes tomorrow. lol I think all the college students in the Phils. since tomorrow is Teacher's Symposium and College Students' Day.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[b]Going-with-the-not-so-on-topic-of-ate-mizel:[/b] Really? i think we have classes tomorrow.. just not sure. no one have told us about it.. anyways i'll be online always if ftalk is fixed. it's so hard to use proxies.. and yay! always no homeworks. hehe :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[b]My-reply-to-nix's-not-so-on-topic-with-me:[/b] Maybe it depends on your school if your university president approves it, actually it was posted in our university [b]president's memo[/b], and we were so eager to read the latest news. lol
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[b]Another-reply-to-ate-mizel's-reply:[/b] And tomorrow's the voting day for the nursing student council.. hmm. i don't know who i'll vote for. anyways that was kinda disappointing.. i thought we'll have another break from school. hehe. but we also need to prepare for the prelims :) @topic: i'm still present! and i'll always be if the connection is good

Last edited by aRies04991 (2007-06-28 10:57:57)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Will be busy for a while gotta find a graphic calc :wallbash:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

me too. im too busy with my school. but im trying my best to visit ftalk. hehe :eh:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[b]me?oh no.. :crybaby: :disgust: im really busy for school i hardly manage my time..but i will really try my best to be here. i think i will be absent for 2 weeks from 2nd wek of july... =) [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

woooooooooooooooow how many kinds of moderatot are there :question: i just saw one "[b]Moderator - Overlay Expert[/b] " :wow: i wish i had one :thunder: :thunder: "[b]moderator-trasher expert[/b] :thunder: :thunder: =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D okay im present ( how to sticky this?)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

i'm busy in my studies so i can't visit FTALK more often... i'll miss you guys!! :crybaby:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Not sure if i'll be online next week.. our prelims is already next week and i need to spend some time reviewing.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

[b]Guyz!, I will be on hiastus or off in net by more than 2 weeks because of my PRELIM EXAMNATION :crybaby: [/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

Will be 25.1% active due to my busy school days - so much busy for the coming elections, examinations and rushing of projects. =|
  • » This thread is for those active members, who may be gone for a while... All you guys have to do is post here if you want take a leave or break, so there will be no mystery in your disappearance :eh:

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