use this one
the shorter one
"<center><li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br><br></li>"+
"<li><span>MY URL : </span><a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/[b]UR ID[/b]\">[b]UR ID[/b]</a><br></li>";[/quote]
still working in mine.
try it thru' ur js
i dunno why but its not working on my prof! maybe theres something wrong the way i compiled the codes!
shit im really stupiid in java!
[quote=andHa]use this one
the shorter one
"<center><li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]TEXT HERE[/b]</span><br><br></li>"+
"<li><span>MY URL : </span><a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/[b]UR ID[/b]\">[b]UR ID[/b]</a><br></li>";[/quote]
still working in mine.
try it thru' ur js [/quote]
thanks bro!now its working in my profile
[quote=salat]wat the code to customize the Media Box?...[/quote]
i think u r in the wrong thread.
don't post any comments or question if there is no relation with the thread.
ask ur quetion in the help section.
[b]@ pulasara[/b]
u r welcome bro.
just want to share the easier way.