"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span>[b]My URL: [/b]</span><a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/[b]BLAHBLAH[/b]\">http://www.friendster.com/[b]BLAHBLAH[/b]</a><br/></li>";[/quote]
you can also add a bullets....here's example
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> YOUR TEXT</span><br></li>"+
"<li><span><img src='[b]YOUR BULLET URL[/b]'> My URL: </span><a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/BLAHBLAH\">http://www.friendster.com/BLAHBLAH</a><br/></li>";[/quote]
[b]Customized recent updates field names[/b]
"<li><strong>My Recent Life:</strong>[<a style=\"margin: 0px; font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/editaccount.php#showTracker\"> visible to all </a>]<br></li>"+
"<li><a>create new account</a> - 20 years ago<br></li>"+
"<li><a>joined a Metal Band</a> - 40000 days ago<br></li>"+
"<li><a>posted at FTalk</a> - 5000 seconds ago<br></li>"+
"<li><a>updated my proffy</a> - 0.000001 minutes ago<br></li>"+
"<li><a>Buy a new car</a> - 10 years ago!!!</br></li>";[/quote]
[b]Customize More About Box[/b]
[b]Preview [/b]
[b]just start with [0][/b]
[quote]document.getElementById("moreabout_1_5").getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML="YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE";[/quote]
[b]then [1] & so on.....[/b]
[quote]document.getElementById("moreabout_1_5").getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerHTML="YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE";[/quote]
[b]To add a bullets[/b]
[quote]document.getElementById("moreabout_1_5").getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML="[b]<img src='YOUR BULLET URL'> YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE[/b]";[/quote]
Replace the content with your own text or image

save in JS extension// proceed here --> [url]http://theftalk.com/t2044-save-.js%28JavaScript%29-extension-customize-your-profile..html[/url][/quote]
bro! you have a great collection of customizing field names here... better put also ur codes about customizing
headers here... u can edit my codes if you want or much better if you have a simplier one so that the viewers
can see all these codes in one thread only... plzzz... master... i wanna learn more!!

I tried this one and base the TagName on my codes but only the Profile Name and the Photo Gallery Headers works hehehe ...

the rest doesn't

document.getElementById("controlpanel_1_1").getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].innerHTML="YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE";
document.getElementById("photos_1_2").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerHTML="YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE";
document.getElementById("moreabout_1_5").getElementsByTagName("h2")[2].innerHTML="YOUR TEXT OR IMAGE";
and so on...
so close but so far hak hak!!
guess i'm stuck on my original codes heheh..
Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2007-06-14 00:09:49)