[quote=feruzz][quote=frolickfriendster]WARNING: If you have to use the customized recent updates trick, please make sure you put this trick all the way below your Javascript extension file. Friendster had an update lately that affected this script (the continents thingie, view your account settings in friendster FYI). If you put this in ahead or in the middle of your JS ext file, all other scripts that follows will not work when you are not currently logged in to friendster while viewing ur profile. Although all scripts will be working when you view ur profile while logged in, putting this script ahead or in the middle of JS file will not make the other scripts that follow this script work when ur not logged in. This only applies to the "Customised Recent Updates" trick. The others are just fine. Follow my advise if you dont want headaches. I was going crazy the whole day finding out what the problem was when I viewed my profile while I was logged out. My other scripts did not work, so I had to dissect one by one what was causing it and I had to inspect my account settings if there was a friendster update. So, I found out the problem.
Again, please put the customised recent update script all the way below ur JS ext file after all other script.

nope...I dont think so....

Dear Feruzz,
Believe me, I spent the whole day that day finding out what really was the problem. When I put the customized recent updates script in the middle of my JS extension file:
a. when I was currently logged in, all scripts were working
b. when I logged out and viewed my profile, all scripts after the customized recent update scripts in my JS ext failed.
c. I logged in to a test account, viewed my profile, and all scripts were working.
d. I cleared my cache, even rebooted my computer and did steps A, B, C...still the same.
e. I used firefox, netscape, opera, safari and did steps A, B, C...still the same.
f. I went to my friendster account settings and found out friendster had an update on "who can see the recent updates" by continents. I updated my settings.
f. I dissect my JS ext file one by one until i reached the customized update script. I took it out...while logged out, my other scripts began to work again.
g. I finally found the cause of the problem, so I placed the customized update script all the way below my JS extension file.
h. Now all my scripts started to work again, whether Im logged out, or logged in. When Im logged in, I can see my recent updates, when Im logged out, I can't, but all my scripts are now working.
I would like to think that it was script conflicts, but it definitely wont hurt to put the customized recent updates script all the way below the JS ext file. My advise was just to avoid a problem that I encountered which may also help others who will encounter the same problem in the future.

In a way, that was an experience that I would just like to share!