
[b]yeah, guys you should first think of the consequences before having sex with your girl friend because it is not you who will suffer but the girl. imagine, she has to bear that life for nine months, and of course, there are some things they wont be able to do because she's preggy whereas you, on the other side can still do your day-to-day activities,, with that said, if a guy finds out his gf is preggy, be responsible enough to face what might happen. that is, if the child is yours

[i] sa lalake ang sarap, sa babae ang hirap. amp[/i]

yap yap I agree.. But if it isn't yours, and you really loves her after all, just pretend its yours. Don't suggest an abortion.. it'll break her heart.[/quote]
i've already tried this one....but nothin' happenz :"( and it hurtz...
Last edited by SymphOny XII (2006-11-22 11:49:17)