I want to join the contest with my profile
[b]Profile Link: [/b][url]http://www.friendster.com/luisgoco[/url]
Flash Enter Page (Requires latest version of Flash Player)
Upper Profile (Best Viewed using Firefox with Quicktime/Internet Explorer with fast connection)
[b]Note[/b]:If some images doesnt show after the page finished loading please refresh
(Firefox with Quicktime plugin sometimes crashes when playing streaming background music when that occurs please change your browser to MS Internet Explorer)
Lower Profile
[quote]Rule 6. No redirected profiles please.[/quote]
Does it mean no enter page too?
Please inform me if my entry is wrong

Hey the profile judging is not gonna happen immediately today right?
Because I miscode some text on my css and my profile is in chaos

The preview i posted has background on headers but my profile has no background and its navigation banner is gone
I just put the code that feruzz posted somewhere here and my profile is is... waaahh

Ill fix it tomorrow

[b]Updates: [/b]
Removed background music to stop crashing Firefox when viewing my profile
Added Sidebox for Featured AMV
Loading Page background color changed from white to black
Last edited by diabolicious (2007-07-11 00:13:54)