• » What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

Pages: 123

What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=sherovin;#3647861;1278451714]so youre saying that we should respect the lives of others? even if the person has nothing to hope for at all?[/quote] People dying from cancer doesn't really hope that they'd get well again, (some do but very minimal) and the one thing that's important to them is being with their love ones until they die. [quote=strikerno14;#3648368;1278519142]Yeah, some people may be optimistic but you can't force someone to be happy, you can't say "[b]just because you lost your arms and legs doesn't mean you have to die[/b]", that sounds really stupid and you really don't need to say that. You may have a reason to live but everybody doesn't have a life like yours.[/quote] I think saying that isn't stupid. I know it sucks that they're in that state but that's why you're there to encourage them. You don't tell them "yeah, your life sucks, you're right, we should just kill you" [hr][hr] As for people in tremendous amount of pain and they're already dying in days/hours or they're just living because of some sort of life support system -- then I think that's where you consider Euthanasia.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote][@forsakendoll] but what if Euthanasia is the only resort left....... wont you consider practicing it at all even if the pain that your love one is suffering from would really be tremenduosly excruciating and like I said Euthanasia woulb the lasting you'll have for an option?[/quote]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=Serados;#3648382;1278521872]THeir CLOTHES is not my point, btw.[/quote] I was just putting that out, just for info, i wasn't arguing with you [quote=Serados;#3648382;1278521872]if you know the difference between "hardworking" and "Laziness" i probably won't see that reply from you and my life is great because my parents are hardworking ones and take note; WE START FROM SCRATCH.[/quote] we know, there's also a difference between being lucky and just having the worst luck on mankind. Not to be braggy like you, but.... wait... never mind, you're not worth it [quote=Serados;#3648382;1278521872]care to explain furthur?[/quote] okay... hmmmm, how can I explain further...oh yeah Not everybody has the same happiness as you, if you are happy then good for you, but some people have problems not because of laziness, or lack of hard work or very bad choices, but because of how the world treated them, for instance, some people are born having awesome, rich parents, and some don't, some have futures in them, but some can't cause there is a war going on and they're trapped. Just because you're happy doesn't mean everybody else is. If you didn't understand this but somebody else will, then you're just thinking selfishly. [quote=forsakendoll;#3648385;1278522643]I think saying that isn't stupid. I know it sucks that they're in that state but that's why you're there to encourage them. You don't tell them "yeah, your life sucks, you're right, we should just kill you"[/quote] I'm not saying we should tell that either, just don't try to do anything that makes them tell you what if you were in my position. Just think that not everybody has an optimism like everyone else. When a person is in that state, you should just shut up and just listen ti him open up to you, because if you started giving advice, then you are very stupid.

Last edited by strikerno14 (2010-07-07 13:39:16)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=sherovin;#3648390;1278523938]but what if Euthanasia is the only resort left....... wont you consider practicing it at all even if the pain that your love one is suffering from would really be tremenduosly excruciating and like I said Euthanasia woulb the lasting you'll have for an option?[/quote] this is my reply. didn't you understand my post? :p [quote=forsakendoll;#3648385;1278522643]As for people in tremendous amount of pain and they're already dying in days/hours or they're just living because of some sort of life support system -- [b]then I think that's where you consider Euthanasia[/b].[/quote]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=forsakendoll]this is my reply. didn't you understand my post?[/quote] nope! havent read it though hahhahaaahahha [quote=striker]Not everybody has the same happiness as you, if you are happy then good for you, but some people have problems not because of laziness, or lack of hard work or very bad choices, but because of how the world treated them, for instance, some people are born having awesome, rich parents, and some don't, some have futures in them, but some can't cause there is a war going on and they're trapped. Just because you're happy doesn't mean everybody else is. If you didn't understand this but somebody else will, then you're just thinking selfishly.[/quote] agreed!..... nice one striker
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=strikerno14;#3648391;1278523964]we know, there's also a difference between being lucky and just having the worst luck on mankind. Not to be braggy like you, but.... wait... never mind, you're not worth it[/quote] rofl who says i'm bragging? i'm just stating a good example to support my stand and you can brag your riches in my face anytime you want but i simply don't give a flying squirrel about it and about luck; i believe in luck but LUCK can only/ may be achieved by DOING SOMETHING not waiting for it. As i said, do you know the difference between "HARDWORK" and "LAZY"? [quote=strikerno14;#3648391;1278523964]Not everybody has the same happiness as you, if you are happy then good for you, but some people have problems not because of laziness, or lack of hard work or very bad choices, but because of how the world treated them, for instance, some people are born having awesome, rich parents, and some don't, some have futures in them, but some can't cause there is a war going on and they're trapped. Just because you're happy doesn't mean everybody else is. If you didn't understand this but somebody else will, then you're just thinking selfishly.[/quote] just because there is war that does'nt mean it's war until the end and no chance for happiness and i'm just being realistic on my point of view because all of their suffering can be rooted to themselves, example: a child will surely suffer the consequence of poverty why? their parents is to blame of course and logically speaking why would someone relish life at its fullest when he/she is in a state of richness and when suddenly poverty /a terrible accident strikes he instantly resorts in euthanasia?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=serados]just because there is war that does'nt mean it's war until the end and no chance for happiness and i'm just being realistic on my point of view because all of their suffering can be rooted to themselves, example: a child will surely suffer the consequence of poverty why? their parents is to blame of course and logically speaking why would someone relish life at its fullest when he/she is in a state of richness and when suddenly poverty /a terrible accident strikes he instantly resorts in euthanasia?[/quote] would like to expound on this one.....?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=Serados;#3648394;1278524873]realistic on my point of view[/quote] what you're saying isn't really realistic at all, you don't consider the problems of other people, you just think everybody's the same and it's their fault. Not really... [quote=Serados;#3648394;1278524873]example: a child will surely suffer the consequence of poverty why? their parents is to blame of course[/quote] You know what? Here's my reply:[quote=sherovin;#3648393;1278524644]striker wrote: Not everybody has the same happiness as you, if you are happy then good for you, but some people have problems not because of laziness, or lack of hard work or very bad choices, but because of how the world treated them, for instance, some people are born having awesome, rich parents, and some don't, some have futures in them, but some can't cause there is a war going on and they're trapped. Just because you're happy doesn't mean everybody else is. If you didn't understand this but somebody else will, then you're just thinking selfishly. agreed!..... nice one striker[/quote] I guess I made my point [quote=Serados;#3648394;1278524873]i believe in luck but LUCK can only/ may be achieved by DOING SOMETHING not waiting for it. As i said, do you know the difference between "HARDWORK" and "LAZY"?[/quote] lol
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

woe........ this thread is getting hotter and hotter each time I check on it haahaahhaha keep it hot with the debate guys but dont take this personally wwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee away na yata to oh........ ahhhahahaaha

Last edited by sherovin (2010-07-07 14:34:41)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=sherovin;#3648411;1278527654]wwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee away na yata to oh........ ahhhahahaaha[/quote] You like it when there's fighting involved??...hahaha...okay, but I won't start...hahahaha
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=striker]You like it when there's fighting involved??...hahaha...okay, but I won't start...hahahaha[/quote] well it seems like everything you and serado would talk about will be as hot as hell And I can feel the heat already......... ehhhaha
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=sherovin;#3648425;1278535336]well it seems like everything you and serado would talk about will be as hot as hell And I can feel the heat already......... ehhhaha[/quote] It's pretty normal for a debate. Or rather... a [i]heated[/i] discussion. XD Why don't you post [i]your[/i] stand? You're the thread starter after all. :lol3:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=sherovin;#3648408;1278526303]just because there is war that does'nt mean it's war until the end and no chance for happiness and i'm just being realistic on my point of view because all of their suffering can be rooted to themselves, example: a child will surely suffer the consequence of poverty why? their parents is to blame of course and logically speaking [b]why would someone relish life at its fullest when he/she is in a state of richness and when suddenly poverty /a terrible accident strikes he instantly resorts in euthanasia?[/b][/quote] bolded ones are my point, btw [quote=strikerno14;#3648410;1278527434]what you're saying isn't really realistic at all, you don't consider the problems of other people, you just think everybody's the same and it's their fault. Not really...[/quote] wow and always think that everything that happens to a person is not his (regardless of the obvious that it is his) fault is rather stupid and unrealistic enough. Oh well alot of pinoy under poverty blame right away the government even they did'nt something do something about it first but that's a different story. [quote=sherovin;#3648411;1278527654]wwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee away na yata to oh........ ahhhahahaaha[/quote] evidently you're new to something that is called "Discussion"
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=mamba]It's pretty normal for a debate. Or rather... a heated discussion. XD Why don't you post your stand? You're the thread starter after all.[/quote] Well actually Im saving the best words tosay for last
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

Only [quote]Oregon Washington Montana New Hampshire [i]currently considering a bill on assisted suicide [/i] the Netherlands Belgium Albania Luxembourg[/quote] have it legalized, the rest of the world think its homicide
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

@sherovin Please refrain from speaking tagalog. [quote=sherovin;#3648661;1278579696]Well actually Im saving the best words tosay for last[/quote] It's okay. I'm not expecting much from what you have to say anyway. lol. j/k. [quote=strikerno14;#3648391;1278523964]I'm not saying we should tell that either, just don't try to do anything that makes them tell you what if you were in my position. Just think that not everybody has an optimism like everyone else. When a person is in that state, you should just shut up and just listen ti him open up to you, because if you started giving advice, then you are very stupid.[/quote] yea, we learned that giving advices isn't therapeutic at all.

Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-07-08 09:53:55)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

Anyone here who have read [b]NOTHING LASTS FOREVER[/b]? The book of whoever author he is. Lol. The story was, well, he killed a patient for a billion dollar. They never knew that the patient just gave up. Money money. Ugh, and I know this is out of the thread. Hahahaha. I'm not in favor of Euthanasia. No matter what the conditions are and all. Though they say living isn't living unless you're happy. I don't care, not at all. Who wants to die because of someone else's decision? Well, I believe, as long as someone is breathing, there's hope. A year in coma? Why would he fight that long? Cause he wants to live. HE WANTS TO LIVE. Then you'll just kill him because you see no hope and he's suffering? I see no sense at all. Sorry. (:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=forsaken]@sherovin Please refrain from speaking tagalog.[/quote] @forsaken"thns for reminding me" [quote]Now heres what I have to say" Euthanasia may have always been referred to as mercy killing... but all I wanna say about it is that.. Look I know where all you guys are coming from and I respect your notions regarding this subject.. But the truth of the matter is that"Euthansia" in my opinion is not just another variety of painless death, suicide or whatever you wanna call it. For me it is another term for this phrase "LETTING GO" but even so.. Euthanasia is just another plane ticket to wonderland if you ask me.... And regarding the"letting go" thingy, what I meant was that if the person actually asked for this kind of actio to be done to him..... why wouldn't you give it to that person, if its the only way that his/her pain and suffering would be over...... Well I wont say anything else for now....[/quote]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

but you can't deny the fact that there is a BETTER way to "Let go" like start at the bottom again, not ending your life right away because man are born to LIVE not to make some mistakes as their excuse to end their life right away and not meant to be rude but those who choose to kill themselves rather to face it does'nt have a right to be born in the first place
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

[quote=Serados;#3648931;1278600762]but you can't deny the fact that there is a BETTER way to "Let go" like start at the bottom again, not ending your life right away because man are born to LIVE not to make some mistakes as their excuse to end their life right away and not meant to be rude but those who choose to kill themselves rather to face it does'nt have a right to be born in the first place[/quote] Exactly what I mean.
  • » What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is the deliberate and intentional killing of a human being by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by the failure to perform even the most basic medical care

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