My classmate went into a coma because she had an asthma and her brain went on for 8 minutes without any oxygen. Medically speaking, 2 minutes alone without oxygen in your brain means you're already brain dead. That's thrice the maximum. Her family is still keeping her "alive" through a machine, though. I know for a fact that being brain dead is different from being in a coma. Patients who are in a coma will have some neurological signs, but patients who are brain dead do not.
Anyway, question is, is it still considered Euthanasia when the person is practically brain dead? I mean, I know the heart may continue to beat without the brain in autotonic response, but if you are brain dead, all other body functions will stop, too. You're just simply keeping the person "alive," in a sense. It's like going against nature. Coma patients are legally considered alive, while brain dead patients (please correct me if I'm wrong) aren't. So, would you guys consider pulling the plug that's keeping that brain dead person "alive" as Euthanasia, or is it just simply letting go and accepting the fact that he/she is that way?
[quote=Serados;#3648931;1278600762]but you can't deny the fact that there is a BETTER way to "Let go" like start at the bottom again, not ending your life right away because man are born to LIVE not to make some mistakes as their excuse to end their life right away and not meant to be rude but those who choose to kill themselves rather to face it does'nt have a right to be born in the first place[/quote]
Well said.
Last edited by blackmamba (2010-07-08 18:41:47)