• » yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

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yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

» FTalkAddict
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yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many people soo lazy to make their own that's why they only just hack others profile but I *laugh* coz the hacker hehehehe..haveno brains at all he hacked a profile who has the power to banned a friendster profile.. my advice to ul...[b]WATCH OUT [/b] your profile always..maybe your profile will be [b]HACK[/b] also be careful in entering some profile coz some profiles are a tricky profile for example you entered a hacker :midfinger: profile *shox* yah know wat?! this hackers can be seen u're password already and ready to hack you're profile..many people nowadays encountered this situation..just [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] on wat profile you'll be sein' maybe it's a hacker profile :ninja: :evil: ....and be always [b]ALERT![/b] if it's necessarily needed to change your pass always den do it <3... [b]DOES SOMEONE OF U ENCOUNTERED THIS SITUATION? THAT YOU'RE PROFILE IS BEIN' HACKED BY SOMEONE U DUNNO XD[/b]
» FTalkElite
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

my 1st acct in FS was hacked by some ppol..i don't know who! :crybaby: i got back at her.hahaha! hey! i just want to get even! :eh:
» FTalkAddict
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

aw... :( what po u're usin' a friendster account ?
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

Interesting.. Thnkz for dat info.. Be sure to keep it in mind.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

[quote=FeenQueGurL_08]aw... :( what po u're usin' a friendster account ?[/quote] the hacked acct. is gone..i'm using my 1st acct. ayt now :D
» FTalkAddict
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

heheeh..no problem my friends...this is just to inform everybody <3..hmmm it just YESTERDAY [b]RIPPERS[/b] now [b]HACKERS[/b] hehehhe.. @ice nice gurl <3
» Banned
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

woah!thanks for da info sis pink-a-holic!
» FTalkAddict
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

[b]i have a news people about this FRIENDSTER HACKERS there's group named [i]HACKSTERS[/i] and also there's a user named [i]CATLIKEGIRL[/i] USER ID=35515141 <--don't try to open or else u will be infected ;) this users are the one spreading this [i]worm VIRUS[/i] which annoys all the overlay users... the execution of this virus is like this ;) >>>if u open the profile of one of them ..your [i]css and media section[/i] will be change it will becomes like this :arrow: in media section here's the code will be change in your media section when u open the profile which has this virus >,< <">then it has a FAKE LOGIN SCRIPT <---[i]for them to be able to see your e-add and pssword easily[/i] [quote]in the script it includes the - friendster.htm - catlikegirl.htm these files are are offsite.. meaning theyre not from friendster - friendster.htm contains the friendster's original LOGIN PAGE... and has been tampered to work with the catlikegirl.htm and this also contains the script to change the media and css box - catlikegirl.htm contains the script which sends all the variables you write to an offsite email engine.. like someemailserver.cgi and one more thing... this is considered a worm since it will copy itself in your profile replacing every existing code you have in the MEDIA BOX and CSS BOX.... in short.. it is replicating more like a... "his profile is gonna be your profile" this is according to kua Slasher..>Let's thank him for solving this Case<[/quote] BE CAREFUL PEOPLE IN WHAT PROFILE U WILL BE SEIN' OR ELSE U WILL BE INFECTED, DON'T TRY ALSO TO OPEN THE CATGIRL'S PROFILE OR ELSE U'RE E-ADD AND PASSWORD WILL BE SEIN' BY THEM ;)[/b]

Last edited by FeenQueGurL_08 (2006-12-02 23:20:04)

» n00b
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

hello..im a newbie here..this is my first post..hehe someone hacked my account two days ago..i tried to view my profiLe and all i saw is a blank white page :evil: .. i viewed it using my other account, but it's still the same.. but the good thing is.. the hacker didnt change my email add..just my password only :D ..so i requested a new password from friendster..now it's workin fine..when i tried to figure out what the hell is happening..i saw the codes for "push away your original layout" [made by vkey] in my css section which will obviousLy make your page appear bLank.. it's a [b]fake login script[/b] which actually looks like the "real friendster login page"...and automatically, your password and email address will be sent to his maiL. [i saw in the status bar..somewhat like.. "mail to--blah blah" thingy.. that's it..so be carefuL in logging in. be sure that the address is http://friendster.com or http://friendster.com/login.php
» FTalkElite
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

scary! :crybaby:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

yup she's ryt this are tricky script can make your friendster totally messed up and also you can be hacked easliy by this tricky script...[b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i notice it also..heheh i studied the script and it's true..then it also proved by kua slasher dats my theory is ryt..that this script contians this html script that has the power to hacked your account by a wrong press ;)

Last edited by FeenQueGurL_08 (2006-12-03 00:44:25)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

i dunno if i have encountered that fake loggin page cause i didn't look at the address bar that time... what happend is i vewed a proffy. i can't recall the user name... when i was about to view the proffy... the loggin page appeared then i entered my username and password... it happend again bcoz i vewed the proffy for the second time... actually, it happend 3 times... the good thing is nothin bad happend... maybe its not the fake loggin page but i don't think that its just by chance that it happend three times with thesame proffy...
» FTalkAddict
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

hehehe..my advice to u is better to change your [b] e-add and password[/b] coz the one u log-in is a [b]fake log-in page[/b] as i said earlier this are tricky scripts <3...coz once u logged in here u thought it's fine nothin to worry bout' [b]sorry to tell u[/b] coz u've already send to them you're complete [b] e-add and pass [/b] by logging in to their [b]fake log-in page[/b]... they made this one for them to easily get your e-add and pass..so they can totally hacked your account and change your e-add and password soo u can't opened it totally :( ..nowadays many people..don't even care in the url... [b]BE SURE[/b] that the log-in page that you're login has the url of :arrow: [b]http://www.friendster.com/[/b] and no other than that one <3...if u encountered a log-in page that the url is not like the one i post ....just proceed to [b]MARKYCTRIGGER[/b] and report to them...soo that..Kua Marky...can make some action ..before this hackers..strike again in [b]FRIENDSTER WORLD <3[/b]

Last edited by FeenQueGurL_08 (2006-12-04 06:23:57)

SymphOny XII
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

wow...thx for sharin' ;) [i]off topicnezz...polaris?rose? ^^[/i]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

waw!!!..yah you're right kua ;)..are u playin ROSE XD...hehehe @topic...just share with us your experience about this worm virus <3
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

niCe sis..tnX foR shariN..so prOud of yAh
mango juice
» FTalker
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

this is what the friendster says about that [b]fake log in[/b] [quote]Question IMPORTANT: When logging into Friendster, make sure the URL for the login page is one of the following two: http://www.friendster.com/index.php http://www.friendster.com/login.php To find the URL, look at the upper part of your browser in the address bar. If you see a URL that is NOT one of the two listed here, do NOT enter you login information. Click “log out” which is at the top right of the page. Then click “log in”> check to make sure the URL is one that we’ve listed here and then login to your account. If you see any suspicious login pages or are asked to login to your account (even though you are already logged in) report them to our Help Department. Thanks! Friendster Customer Service Answer[/quote] you can view this in the help section in friendster... this is the link: [url=http://friendster.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/friendster.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=290&p_created=1153245451&p_sid=-7kUNlpi&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0xNzgmcF9wcm9kcz0mcF9jYXRzPSZwX3B2PSZwX2N2PSZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**&p_li=cF91c2VyaWQ9NjA4MzY1OCZwX2VtYWlsPWdpbmdlcnN3ZWV0c19qb3NoQHlhaG9vLmNvbSZwX2ZpcnN0X25hbWU9bWFuZ28gSlVJQ0UmcF9sYXN0X25hbWU9aWNlIGNvbGQmcF9jaXR5PSZwX3Byb3ZfaWQ9JnBfcG9zdGFsX2NvZGU9MDAwMDAtMDAwMCZwX2NvdW50cnlfaWQ9MTcy&p_topview=1]friendster help[/url]
» FTalkElite
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Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

Thnks for sharing the info :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

nice thenx for sharin..gurl :thumbsup:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

wee. me too. someone get my code her account [url]http://www.friendster.com/28585879[/url] my account [url]http://www.friendster.com/jamsster[/url] we hav the same code. 1st she ask why my codses are working. when i check her acc. aw. better checkk her acc. nlng.*
  • » yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b] i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p

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