I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
[b]Any other blog advertisements and promotions outside this thread will automatically be deleted without notice to the author.
Blog Advertisements are the only posts allowed on this thread. Any other posts which are not advertisements (like comments, questions, etc) will be deleted at sight.[/b] Please cooperate. Thank you.
- Post your Friendster Blog urls on this thread.
- To avoid spamming, you must [u][b]include[/b][/u] your blog's description, what is it about, etc, to give us an idea of what your blog is about.

If there are no descriptions on your post, ill immediately delete it at sight. I hope that's clear.
For any URL other than friendster blogs, plug ur sites here:
I wanted to be the one to start posting, but my Friendster Blog is currently dead. I dont know when will i update it again. But just in case you wanna check it out, here's the link:
Your turn guys.
Last edited by admin (2008-02-24 19:59:42)