» I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Actually i'm new at friendster blogs. but here's mine:
pls come visit some time.
err, i just canceled it.
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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:)hi just starting....check me out too...tnx
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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[url=http://my_blog_my_life.blogs.friendster.com/my_life_and_experience_an/]here's mine![/url]
hope you guys like it
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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is'nt this a spam?!
heres my nyz blogy blog...http://imstillemotional.blogs.friendster.com/diabolicalinstincts/
plz drop a message in the chat box:D
*and i like to thank +_ramza_+ for making my blog layie:D*
click the link if you are a true person=D
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Hello friendstertalkers..hehe..^___^
First of all i wanna say THANK YOU to all of you..^___^
here's my friendster blog [url]http://enetch05.blogs.friendster.com/ev3rything_is_possible_in/[/url]
just take a look...i put credits also..^__^
thank you
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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[color=skyblue][b]Here's mine[/b][/color]
[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img][color=skyblue]JuzT Check it out...[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]
[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]i'm still new in fsBlog..[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]
[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]thats way...i dnt have lotz of post...[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]
[img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]over there.. [/color][img]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/mizz_cutie_blue_girl/tiny_blue.gif[/img]
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
[b]Any other blog advertisements and promotions outside this thread will automatically be deleted
[url=http://febbycalista.blogs.friendster.com/febbys_blog/]click hirr[/url]
comment pliz..
fill my new chat box!
link me oso!
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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here is my blog also..it has been functioning for a quiet a while now ..im busy with add ons from your tutorials..please take time to look at it and tell me if its too boring..
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Juz some stories of my life..please take a look n give some comment,
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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hi to all. i've got two blogs. pls check it out and add me or link me. tnx...my first blog is my personal blog and the second one "my kikay blog" is for layouts...tnx.=xoxo=
[url=http://bhogzlove.blogs.friendster.com/my_lovely_blog_/]My Blog[/url]
[url=http://tumangdayjuanico.blogs.friendster.com/waiting_for_you/]Kikay Corner[/url]
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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just want to share mine also, still furnishing my layout
[url=http://marielsantos.blogs.friendster.com/too_fragile_to_handle/]my blog[/url]
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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I wanna share mine too:
Click [url=http://kristinafiedalan.blogs.friendster.com/anitsirk29/]h♥e♥r♥e[/url]
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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[b]here's my Blog[/b]
[spoiler] [url=http://alesanarock.blogs.friendster.com]Click Here[/url][/spoiler]
[quote]Comments and Friend Request will be appreciated!![/quote]
Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
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Re: I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
[b]Any other blog advertisements and promotions outside this thread will automatically be deleted
» I made this thread to give everybody a chance to plug, advertise, or show-off their Friendster Blogs.
[b]Any other blog advertisements and promotions outside this thread will automatically be deleted