[color=dodgerblue][align=center]im juz new in making blogss
soo itz juz new. . .in short *wla png laman*
soo it doesnt look gud compare to those expertz

but still im happy coz im the one hu create my own link(luks ugly hihi) the banner and the background. . .
tnx 2 frendstertalk 4 guiding mee wahahah
tnx 2 cUtiEshika 4 alwayz helpin meee

edited: i put my old layiee in thrash, since ive now find my hero, ateshieka she made me a cute layiee, too bad shes not around here shes busy now, i really will miz u siz, and the link, creadits to chika sympatica
hirs my blog. . . juz [u]click[/u] the [i]link[/i] kk!!! (wow rhyme heheee)

**[url=http://charmeezha14.blogs.friendster.com/charmcharmcharm14/][img]http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/charmaine_cute1992/linkk.gif[/img][/url]**[/align] [/color]
Last edited by charmcharmcharm14 (2008-04-02 21:22:06)