2008-08-25 02:30:39

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
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Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=nanix84]Thanks Jesse :D I am just dropping by to say Hi because we have basketball sessions during mondays and now I'm back =D[/quote] Aha, okay. Welcome back, then Reh-Mah :D [quote=the_legend_killer](im invited to a bunch of party but i dont know how to schedule them all especially i dont have enough money for all of them =D)[/quote] Hahaha, okay. Mr. Popular, huh? :D ==> Sorry for the "novel", bro. I'm sure you read it. I just really thought it needed to be said. Hope you don't take any of it personal. It's all good, we just all needed to realize some things. And there will be other legends, don't worry. =D We just really need to end the conflict. For the sake of everybody.

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