• » [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=fis.ms]I decided to use his name... :wow::wow:[/quote] haha! just an idea, why dont your make a description out of your names like for example his name is LOVED so their for you can have it like this one L[b]r[/b]O[b]o[/b]V[b]s[/b]E[b]e[/b]D :D :lol: [quote=BwizetT]Thanks Bro..hmmm Bro jesse is quite resting for a long period of time ei...[/quote] yeah i think he's very tired =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=the_legend_killer]haha! just an idea, why dont your make a description out of your names like for example his name is LOVED so their for you can have it like this one LrOoVsEeD :D :lol:[/quote] :arrow: that would be a problem since his name is uber long and no one can actually derive a proper nickname from his orig name cause it'll just sound weird :redface::redface: ... I just realised he's got the same name as my uncle !!! :eh::eh: ...
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=BwizetT]Sis are you referring to Duch???[/quote] nope.the great forsaken doll. [quote=the_legend_killer]try it and ill cut your bangs :lol: or ill just tell him how you pick on me :( =D[/quote] nuuuu~~~~~not my bangs! :crybaby: :lol: [quote=the_legend_killer]is there a letter R in his name?! =D[/quote] no more spoilers! :| [quote=the_legend_killer]see look at how she pick up on me =( :lol:[/quote] [i]ay wow, ako pa pla ang nggugulo. [/i] :wasted:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

> Bwizet & Guile Hello -_- OMFUG Em not in teh mood to type anymore o_o idk why t.t This is SHETing me. lol will be roaming around now.......... t.t
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=fis.ms]:arrow: that would be a problem since his name is uber long and no one can actually derive a proper nickname from his orig name cause it'll just sound weird :redface::redface: ... I just realised he's got the same name as my uncle !!! :eh::eh: ...[/quote] so your telling now who he is :lol: my girl name is [spoiler]nah forget about it =D[/spoiler] [quote=As cicatrizes]nuuuu~~~~~not my bangs! :crybaby: :lol:[/quote] oh yes it is =D and you cant cut my bangs cause you dont have any bangs to cut on me cause my bangs is gone i have my hair short now :lol: [quote=As cicatrizes]ay wow, ako pa pla ang nggugulo. :wasted:[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol: [quote=blancheee48]> Bwizet & Guile Hello -_- OMFUG Em not in teh mood to type anymore o_o idk why t.t This is SHETing me. lol will be roaming around now.......... t.t[/quote] haha nice qoute at your siggy [i]puro shet[/i] :lol:

Last edited by the_legend_killer (2008-08-24 11:24:19)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote][b]As cicatrizes wrote:[/b] nope.the great forsaken doll.[/quote] [b]ahhh I've read her post too, and it's quite amusing, that they don't even see the post of Shirow, a big Dissapointment for Admins part, it's like they letting this so called Moderator to Mock even the Retarded People, is so unhumane, acts that would be considered low as scum...:angry: [/b] [quote][b]blancheee48 wrote:[/b] OMFUG Em not in teh mood to type anymore o_o idk why t.t This is SHETing me. lol will be roaming around now.......... t.t[/quote] [b]Alright Captain just take care the Mockster is on the Prowl ;)[/b]

Last edited by BwizetT (2008-08-24 11:28:45)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=BwizetT]ahhh I've read her post too, and it's quite amusing, that they don't even see the post of Shirow, a big Dissapointment for Admins part, it'sl ike they letting this so called Moderator to Mock even the Retarded People, is so unhumane, acts that would be considered low as scum...:angry:[/quote] that load mouth pathetic kid. =D
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=BwizetT]ahhh I've read her post too, and it's quite amusing, that they don't even see the post of Shirow, a big Dissapointment for Admins part, it's like they letting this so called Moderator to Mock even the Retarded People, is so unhumane, acts that would be considered low as scum...:angry:[/quote] yes. i believe the moderators are one in spirit. :lol: but i saw eehjay warned forsakendoll.woohoo! :lol: [quote=the_legend_killer]that load mouth pathetic kid. =D[/quote] wer is he in philippines anyway?manila?

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-08-24 11:35:52)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

actually bout the whole retarded thingy. That image was originally used by the [b]ADMIN[/b] himself to shut people up in this other thread where people started arguing... namely: eejhay,shirow,yuna,forsakendoll... blah blah.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=As cicatrizes]yes. i believe the moderators are one in spirit. :lol: but i saw eehjay warned forsakendoll.woohoo! :lol:[/quote] haha yeah i notice that also and eehjay is at class x (good thing =D) [quote=As cicatrizes]wer is he in philippines anyway?manila?[/quote] who are you talking about your crush or that pathetic loud mouth kid?! =D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote][b]As cicatrizes wrote:[/b] wer is he in philippines anyway?manila?[/quote] [b]hope he is, it's easy to track him if he's living near here...:disgust: :angry:[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

Good Night Rockstars! Hows life..? :D I was supposed to be online earlier but the connection suddenly disappeared and it wont connect even if how many restart i did :wallbash: :disgust: Anyway..Whose watching the Ninoy Aquino docu? I was kinda intimidated by the story.. I got interested :eh:
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=the_legend_killer]who are you talking about your crush or that pathetic loud mouth kid?! =D[/quote] im talking aout shirow.i saw his fs last week. boy, i thought he was foreigner,[i] anak ng tokwa,pinoy pala.[/i] :disgust: [quote=MiiMiiNEKoO]Good Night Rockstars![/quote] gudnyt sis jamie.[quote=BwizetT]hope he is, it's easy to track him if he's living near here...:disgust: :angry:[/quote] wat do u plan to do? :lol: [quote=fis.ms]actually bout the whole retarded thingy. That image was originally used by the ADMIN himself to shut people up in this other thread where people started arguing... namely: eejhay,shirow,yuna,forsakendoll... blah blah.[/quote] what thread? oh btw,thank u for the repu sis rose. :D

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-08-24 11:46:36)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=As cicatrizes][quote=fis.ms]actually bout the whole retarded thingy. That image was originally used by the ADMIN himself to shut people up in this other thread where people started arguing... namely: eejhay,shirow,yuna,forsakendoll... blah blah.[/quote] what thread? oh btw,thank u for the repu sis rose. :D[/quote] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/t37960-p2-kindly-hire-better-mods-here.html]here[/url] and no need to thank me for the rep. :rose:

Last edited by fis.ms (2008-08-24 11:49:18)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=As cicatrizes]gudnyt sis jamie.[/quote] Hehe.Im still up.. So wazzup ate bel? :D Hi fis.ms :)

Last edited by MiiMiiNEKoO (2008-08-24 12:01:44)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=MiiMiiNEKoO]His fis.ms :)[/quote] :arrow: call me rose sis. :lol::lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=BwizetT]hope he is, it's easy to track him if he's living near here...:disgust: :angry:[/quote] so bro wanna join me bring his feet back to the ground?! ([i]msydo ng mybng ung bata =D[/i]) [quote=MiiMiiNEKoO]Good Night Rockstars! Hows life..? :D[/quote] hello their sis :D [quote=As cicatrizes]im talking aout shirow.i saw his fs last week. boy, i thought he was foreigner, anak ng tokwa,pinoy pala. :disgust:[/quote] well that kid is getting to airy =D [quote=fis.ms]:arrow: here[/quote] thanks for the link sis =) eehjay is really mature rather than the others =D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=fis.ms]call me rose sis. :lol::lol:[/quote] Ohh.Hi ate rose! :D *happy* Ive met a knew member again.. Hehe Hope to be friends with you :D [quote=the_legend_killer]hello their sis :D[/quote] Hi Kuya Guile :) Where's your ally Colonel Jesse? :eh: :lol:

Last edited by MiiMiiNEKoO (2008-08-24 12:06:10)

As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

i read it. but wer is the original?i mean was there another thread? coz there was a quoted part by alliana. my,my, mods warring each other. i'd support eehjay. :lol: *edited: so many posts [i]na pala[/i] above me.hehe [quote=MiiMiiNEKoO]Hehe.Im still up.. So wazzup ate bel? :D[/quote] fine sis jaimie.eating salad right now.got hungry reading some threads. :lol: [quote=the_legend_killer]well that kid is getting to airy =D[/quote] hey.lets call him airhead. :lol:

Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-08-24 12:05:56)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=As cicatrizes]fine sis jaimie.eating salad right now.got hungry reading some threads. :lol:[/quote] Aww. I just want to correct you.. Your jaimie is over with an "i" its just jamie.hehehe :D But Im happy your fine.. Me?I was also planning to eat but I got scared on going downstairs :/ All lights are already off there :O But I wanna eat to like you :crybaby:
  • » [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

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