[quote=cla_15]hi there sir.. wooh..im getting confuse where will i post, if it's here, in FTI or in FTP..
you now in ftm not ftp
don't confuse with ganda naman
[quote=malm_steen14]gmn lebarannya???
ngak seronok sich..ngak ada cewek yg datang
[quote=ardy_gaul]oooooooooooo gitu???
ini semua perbuatan admin ya............??[/quote]
iyah...aku udah cuba supaya postnya meningkat tapi katanya mesti sama dengan FTP and FTI
[quote=cla_15]i wanna learn some malaysian phrases or words..
..anyone here, mind to teach me..?
i love you = saya sayang kamu
i hate you = saya benci kamu....