Re: yah know bout' the hot topic nowadays...many Friendster users nowadays are hackin' some profile [b]BE CAREFUL[/b]
i have a friend she is xxxsweetsheilxxx somebody's hack her profile yah know...many p
The information on Friendster is provided freely by the users, and is posted in an insecure format, available for anyone to search through. It is surprising, and even frightening, how many people freely give up sensitive information. You can try this "Googlehack" every few days, and you'll see that there is a constant flow of new and sensitive personal information spewing out of Friendster. What's worse, if you find that you have accidentally put some of your own personal information on your webpage, then go back and delete it, there is a chance that Google got to it first and cached it. Thus, much information remains accessible even after you've removed it from your own page.
My first piece of advice: stop putting personal information on the internet! If you are not using a secure website, you shouldn't be peddling in secure content. If you're personal information has been cached by Google, write them a polite email and kindly ask that it be removed, they will comply.
My second piece of advice: Spread this information around to everyone! People need to know, and see, why they shouldn't put valuable information in an insecure format online.
Try this Google Hack ::::: �my password is�
::::: �my number is�
Just create your imaginations ok