2007-11-26 09:58:12

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [quote][b][color=red]Revision [Feb 21, 2009][/color][/b][/quote] [b]Screenshot[/b] [img]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5809/customfnameiw8.jpg[/img] [b]Code[/b] [quote](function(){ var a,b,c;

[quote=stepdarn14][quote][url]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5809/customfnameiw8.jpg[/url] [b]Code[/b] if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { CustomFNames();})) window.onload = function () { CustomFNames();}; function CustomFNames() { CFNAMES.init(); } if (typeof CFNAMES == "undefined") { CFNAMES = {}; } CFNAMES = { getData: [], elements: { mainid: document.getElementById("content_0"), maintag: "UL", mainclass: "data" }, init: function() { this.getData = document.createElement("UL"); this.getData.setAttribute("class","data"); this.getData.innerHTML = "<li><span class='q'>YOUR TEXT</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>[b]Female, 188 years old, taken[/b]</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>[b]Manila, Philippines[/b]</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>[b]Member since mid-2004[/b]</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>[b]kyoken realty[/b]</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>[b]24/7 online[/b]</span></li>"+ "<li><span class='q'>My URL: </span>"+ "<a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/[b]YOURUSERNAME[/b]\">http://profiles.friendster.com/[b]YOURUSERNAME[/b]</a></li>"; this.sibling = this.getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById("content_0"),"UL","data")[0]; this.sibling.parentNode.replaceChild(this.getData,this.sibling); },, getElementsByClassName: function(oElm,sTag,sClass) { var elm = []; if (oElm === null)oElm = document; if (sTag === null)sTag = "*"; var els = oElm.getElementsByTagName(sTag) || document.all; for (var j=0,k=els.length;j<k;j++) { if (new RegExp(sClass).test(els[j].className))elm.push(els[j]); } return elm; } };[/quote] is my entry right? I used this code but it didn't work. Am I wrong tweaking with this code?[/quote] [quote]"<a style=\"font-weight: normal;\" href=\"/[b]YOURUSERNAME[/b]\">http://profiles.friendster.com/[b]YOURUSERNAME[/b]</a></li>";[/quote] :arrow: change the bold part to ur own personal url in friendster..change both YOURUSERNAME to ur Personal URL..:D [quote]"<li><span class='q'>YOUR TEXT</span></li>"+[/quote] :arrow: [b]YOUR TEXT[/b] <-- change this part to anything u want to put, for instance ur profile's name..or else it will appear to be YOUR TEXT on ur profile.. it works on my dummy accnt..it takes a few seconds to load before u culd see it! but it works! :D

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