Pages: 12345..5

  2007-03-20 08:43:32

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

The title says it all.. "who's your fave anime character?" to avoid spamming. explain what makes he/she your favorite.. :D or make a list of ur top favorite anime characters.. :thumbsup:

inu yasha [inu yasha] - i know he's stubborn and all, but i love him to bits. kenshin himura [samurai x] - the slasher, the red haired slasher. he's hot. neia [neia 7] - the lazy alien. i like her since she always builds a UFO just to get back home. but she always ends up scolded by her friend. i forgot the name. Chidori Kaname [FMP] - she's what? Hmm.. sexy, pretty and she's a whisper. that means she can control those "machineries". she's also inlove with kyosuke sagara.

Pages: 12345..5

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