2007-12-26 11:48:44

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[quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross browser compatibility: IE5.5, IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Safari 3.0[/b] :arrow: [b]Features: :arrow: Live Preview [color=red][sup]Latest![/sup][/color] :arrow: Send a comment to your friend list by finding their USERID [color=red][sup]Latest![/sup][/color] :arrow: Spawn the photo using AJAX [color=red][sup]Latest![/sup][/color] :arrow: Based on GUI interface :arrow: Javascript functions to wrap HTML tags around selected text :arrow: HTML containing toolbar code, font & color etc[/b] [hr] [b]Please take a note[/b] [quote]:arrow: You can't recieve comments from those who aren't added on your friends list in order to recieve comments from the quick testi box the one who will give you a testi or comment must be your friend. :arrow: You can't give a testi or comment to yourself by using this testi box :arrow: Only your friends can use this quick testimonial box. :arrow: If you're not their friends you cannot send a comment via "Quick Testimonial Box". :arrow: The language settings must be in "English"[/quote] [i]Pls bear with my broken English[/i] :lol: :arrow: [b]First[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/feruzz/friendster/photo/commentor/merged.PNG[/img] :arrow: [b]The Box Screenshot[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/feruzz/friendster/photo/commentor/quicktestiv3.6.PNG[/img] [hr][hr][hr][hr][hr] [b][color=red][sup]Latest![/sup][/color] Quick Testimonial v3.6[/b] :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/myscript/quicktesti.js][b][sub]Download Here[/sub][/b][/url] :arrow: [b]put the code inside your javascript file[/b] :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=22027&p=1][b]Learn it Here[/b][/url] [b]thanks[/b] :cool:

Last edited by lordheinz (2008-08-16 05:37:34)

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