[b]wow!! its been updated to v3.5.. thanks bro feruzz!!..

but i would just like to ask, what do you mean that we can put the userid of the person we want to comment?...
doest it mean if even they are not using your quickbox testi,
can i stILL comment them using your quicktesti even they are not using your quicktesti??
im now using your v3.5, i had noticed that there is also some links telling us how to add videos and images...
so far thats the changes i had observed... how about those you mentioned that putting userid of the person we want to comment? how does it work? I HAD CHECKEd your pop up testi 3.5 codes, and i cant find any changes in there, what i did is just copy all the codes and paste it in my js file..its working! but how about the one you mentioned that putting userid of friends we want to comment??
anyway,big THANKS FOR these one, its so nice!!
i am thinking of combining it with the auto comment scanner, but when it comes to that javascript code, im just beginner to that,im only good in suggesting,and giving comments..hehe! anyway, nice one bro!!...your the man!!

To lordheinz: bro, i did try that but it doesnt seem to work, i even try this link, htttp://www.friendster.com/comments#quicktesti hehe!but it doesntb seem to work!.. maybe Bro Feruzz or someone could figure this, or just combine it with auto comment scanner!..
Last edited by m0g0l (2008-06-10 06:07:55)