• » [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

i need help pls. well my problem is if i click the add comments in control panel and the quick testimonial appear! i like very much the trick but i want the quick testimonial box appear forever above my testimonial how can i edit the codes. pls tech me i have the js codes for this how ever thanks a lot. reagard thanks too all helpfull people,peace.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

waw.....i cant use it now!! :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

can we place the quick testimonial box below the "POST A COMMENT/VIEW COMMENT" thnx...
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote=punkinhardcor]i need help pls. well my problem is if i click the add comments in control panel and the quick testimonial appear! i like very much the trick but i want the quick testimonial box appear forever above my testimonial how can i edit the codes. pls tech me i have the js codes for this how ever thanks a lot. reagard thanks too all helpfull people,peace.[/quote] Maybe You Can Change This Part... [quote]/*global COMMENTOR, document, window*/ if (typeof COMMENTOR !== "undefined") { throw new Error("COMMENTOR is already defined."); } (function () { COMMENTOR = { $linker: [], $max: 5000, $amp: "&", $ie: /*@cc_on!@*/false, $dir: "http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l116/feruzz/", $dircss: "http://www.stormpages.com/", details: { photo: null, name: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/div>/i, name: /controlpanel_header">([\S\s]*?)<a[\S\s]*?><\/a><a\s*name="controlpanel/i }, repTxt: { "onlynum": /[^\d]/g }, valid: function (o, w) { o.value = o.value.replace(COMMENTOR.repTxt[w], ""); }, init: function () { /*global pageViewerID, pageOwnerID, location*/ var myFriend = "[b]no[/b]"; var cScan = COMMENTOR.$("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML; var searchFriend = cScan.search(/Add as Friend/); if (searchFriend > 0) { myFriend = "yes"; } if (pageViewerID !== "" && myFriend === "[b]no[/b]") { try {[/quote] change With [b]yes[/b]..so This Script like This :arrow: [quote]/*global COMMENTOR, document, window*/ if (typeof COMMENTOR !== "undefined") { throw new Error("COMMENTOR is already defined."); } (function () { COMMENTOR = { $linker: [], $max: 5000, $amp: "&", $ie: /*@cc_on!@*/false, $dir: "http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l116/feruzz/", $dircss: "http://www.stormpages.com/", details: { photo: null, name: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/div>/i, name: /controlpanel_header">([\S\s]*?)<a[\S\s]*?><\/a><a\s*name="controlpanel/i }, repTxt: { "onlynum": /[^\d]/g }, valid: function (o, w) { o.value = o.value.replace(COMMENTOR.repTxt[w], ""); }, init: function () { /*global pageViewerID, pageOwnerID, location*/ var myFriend = "[b]yes[/b]"; var cScan = COMMENTOR.$("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML; var searchFriend = cScan.search(/Add as Friend/); if (searchFriend > 0) { myFriend = "yes"; } if (pageViewerID !== "" && myFriend === "[b]yes[/b]") { try {[/quote] [quote=nick_cute06]sir why i cant download the quick comment box!? :crybaby:[/quote] You Can See [b]Quick Testi v 3.6.1[/b] in [url=http://h1.ripway.com/myscript/quicktesti.js][b]HERE[/b][/url] n Copy Paste In Your JS file..:wow:

Last edited by vetra9 (2008-08-07 16:57:13)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

thanks you very very much [b]vetra9[/b] you such a kind and helpful.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

thank you so much vetra9 =):thumbsup: thanks 4 sharing this trick sir feruzz :thumbsup: working to my page

Last edited by mabuhay (2008-08-09 07:44:48)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

nice treak. :thumbsup::D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote=vetra9]You Can See Quick Testi v 3.6.1 in HERE n Copy Paste In Your JS file..:wow:[/quote] Thanks For Sharing Vetra9... :wow: You Very Help Me.... :wow:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote=punkinhardcor]thanks you very very much vetra9 you such a kind and helpful.[/quote] [quote=mabuhay]thank you so much vetra9 =):thumbsup: thanks 4 sharing this trick sir feruzz :thumbsup: working to my page[/quote] [quote=snypzelle]nice treak. :thumbsup::D[/quote] [quote=cewek]Thanks For Sharing Vetra9... :wow: You Very Help Me.... :wow:[/quote] don't Thanks With Me..:D But With Feruzz :wow: Thanks Feruzz For Sharing Csript..But you must Update Your Information about download Script...:D I just copy paste from Your script [b]Quick Box Testimonial V3.6[/b] and shered with another Person.....:wow: :arrow: For Anybody...If You Can't see Script [b]Quick Box Testimonial V3.6[/b] You Can Click :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/myscript/quicktesti.js][b]HERE[/b][/url] i hope this Can Help You...:wow:

Last edited by vetra9 (2008-08-16 01:39:59)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

i hope feruzz will update this that i can resize.. the font...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[align=center][b]wow.. thank you for posting the code. thank u for sharing this. go go go! =) it works! i love it![/b][/align]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

:|its not workin':(
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

how can you say it's not working miss? is it the link that you got a problem? here it is... [spoiler]/** * Quick Testimonial Box Version 3.6.1 * Features: Smilies, AJAX (Primary Photo) & Live Preview * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by FeRuZZ - http://profiles.friendster.com/feruzz * With help of Eykal - http://profiles.friendster.com/eykal * Updates: July 22, 2008 * Cross-Browser Compatibility **/ //----------------------------- /*global COMMENTOR, document, window*/ if (typeof COMMENTOR !== "undefined") { throw new Error("COMMENTOR is already defined."); } (function () { COMMENTOR = { $linker: [], $max: 5000, $amp: "&", $ie: /*@cc_on!@*/false, $dir: "http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l116/feruzz/", $dircss: "http://www.stormpages.com/", details: { photo: null, name: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/div>/i, name: /controlpanel_header">([\S\s]*?)<a[\S\s]*?><\/a><a\s*name="controlpanel/i }, repTxt: { "onlynum": /[^\d]/g }, valid: function (o, w) { o.value = o.value.replace(COMMENTOR.repTxt[w], ""); }, init: function () { /*global pageViewerID, pageOwnerID, location*/ var myFriend = "no"; var cScan = COMMENTOR.$("controlPanelButtons").innerHTML; var searchFriend = cScan.search(/Add as Friend/); if (searchFriend > 0) { myFriend = "yes"; } if (pageViewerID !== "" && myFriend === "no") { try { var ls = []; var olinks = document.links; for (var x = 0, y = olinks.length; x < y; x += 1) { if (olinks[x].innerHTML.match(/Post a Comment|Add Comment/)) { ls.push(olinks[x]); } } COMMENTOR.$linker = ls; try { COMMENTOR.$linker[0].href = "#quicktesti"; COMMENTOR.$linker[0].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.openForm(); }; } catch (e) {} try { COMMENTOR.$linker[1].href = "#quicktesti"; COMMENTOR.$linker[1].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.openForm(); }; } catch (er) {} try { COMMENTOR.$linker[2].href = "#quicktesti"; COMMENTOR.$linker[2].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.openForm(); }; } catch (err) {} } catch (errs) { COMMENTOR.$linker = ""; } COMMENTOR.exCSS(COMMENTOR.$dircss + "tempek/script/commentor.css"); } }, openForm: function () { var commLength = COMMENTOR.$linker.length, x, y; if (!COMMENTOR.$ie) { for (x = 0, y = commLength; x < y; x += 1) { COMMENTOR.$linker[x].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.$linker[x].href = "#quicktesti"; }(); } } else { //For IE try { COMMENTOR.$linker[0].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.$linker[0].href = "#quicktesti"; }; } catch (e) {} try { COMMENTOR.$linker[1].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.$linker[1].href = "#quicktesti"; }; } catch (er) {} try { COMMENTOR.$linker[2].onclick = function () { COMMENTOR.$linker[2].href = "#quicktesti"; }; } catch (err) {} } var smlist = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "52", "53", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "76", "77", "78"]; /*global smileys, pageOwnerFName, pageViewerID, pageOwnerID*/ smileys = []; for (var sm = 0, ls = smlist.length; sm < ls; sm += 1) { smileys[smlist[sm]] = "http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/" + smlist[sm] + ".gif"; } var smdiv = document.createElement("div"); smdiv.className = "smileysdiv"; COMMENTOR.changeText(smdiv, ""); for (sm = 0, ls = smlist.length; sm < ls; sm += 1) { smdiv.innerHTML += "<span class=\"smbox\"><a href=\"#null\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.rtxt('::" + smlist[sm] + "::', COMMENTOR.$('komen')); return false;\">" + "<img class=\"smiley\" title=\"" + smlist[sm] + "\" src=\"" + smileys[smlist[sm]] + "\"></a></span>"; } var htmlspaces = "&nb" + "sp;"; var commform = "<div class=\"quicktestiprev\">" + "<div id=\"commentprevbox\"><div id=\"prevComment\"></div></div>" + "<p>You Can Also Dress Up Your Testimonial Or Comment With HTML, CSS, And Embed Images & Video! " + "<a href=\"#null\" onclick=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');return false;\">Click Here</a>" + htmlspaces + "To Find Out How To <a href=\"#null\" onclick=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');return false;\">" + "Add Videos And Images</a>.</p>" + "<form id=\"testimonial_form\" name=\"testimonial_form\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return checkFormSubmit('testimonial_form');\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testimonial_firstname\" value=\"" + pageOwnerFName + "\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testimonial_uid\" value=\"" + pageViewerID + "\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_submitted\" value=\"1\">" + "<table class=\"formtable\"><tr>" + "<td class=\"field\"><span class=\"q\">To:</span></td><td class=\"value\"><div id=\"outputphoto\"></div><div align=\"center\" id=\"outputname\"></div></td>" + "<td class=\"value\"><span class=\"q\">Friendster" + htmlspaces + "ID" + htmlspaces + ":</span>" + htmlspaces + "<input type=\"text\" id=\"txtsearchfs\" value=\"" + pageOwnerID + "\" onkeyup=\"COMMENTOR.mainphoto();COMMENTOR.valid(this, 'onlynum');\" onblur=\"COMMENTOR.mainphoto();COMMENTOR.valid(this, 'onlynum');\" maxlength=\"9\">" + "</td></tr></table>" + "<div class=\"testibutton\">" + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/bold.gif\" name=\"bold\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<b>','</b>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"bold\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/italic.gif\" name=\"italic\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<i>','</i>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"italic\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/under.gif\" name=\"underline\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<span style=text-decoration:underline>','</span>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"underline\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/sup.gif\" name=\"sup\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<big>','</big>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"superscript\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/sub.gif\" name=\"sub\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<small>','</small>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"subscript\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/strike.gif\" name=\"strike\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<del>','</del>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"strike\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<a href=\"#null\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/center.gif\" name=\"center\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<div align=center>','</div>');return false;\" class=\"postimage\" title=\"center\"></a>" + htmlspaces + "<select name=\"fnt_color\" id=\"fnt_color\" onchange=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<span style=color:' + COMMENTOR.$('testimonial_form').fnt_color.options[fnt_color.selectedIndex].value + '>', '</span>'); COMMENTOR.$('testimonial_form').fnt_color.options[0].selected=true\">" + "<option value=\"\">Color" + "<option value=\"#F0F8FF\">Alice Blue<option value=\"#FAEBD7\">Antique White<option value=\"#00FFFF\">Aqua<option value=\"#7FFFD4\">Aqua Marine" + "<option value=\"#F0FFFF\">Azure<option value=\"#F5F5DC\">Beige<option value=\"#FFE4C4\">Bisque<option value=\"#000000\">Black" + "<option value=\"#FFEBCD\">Blanched Almond<option value=\"#0000FF\">Blue<option value=\"#8A2BE2\">Blue Violet<option value=\"#A52A2A\">Brown" + "<option value=\"#DEB887\">Burly Wood<option value=\"#5F9EA0\">Cadet Blue<option value=\"#7FFF00\">Chartreuse<option value=\"#D2691E\">Chocolate" + "<option value=\"#FF7F50\">Coral<option value=\"#6495ED\">Cornflower Blue<option value=\"#FFF8DC\">Cornsilk<option value=\"#DC143C\">Crimson" + "<option value=\"#00FFFF\">Cyan<option value=\"#00008B\">Dark Blue<option value=\"#008B8B\">Dark Cyan<option value=\"#B8860B\">Dark Golden Rod" + "<option value=\"#A9A9A9\">Dark Gray<option value=\"#006400\">Dark Green<option value=\"#BDB76B\">Dark Khaki<option value=\"#8B008B\">Dark Magenta" + "<option value=\"#556B2F\">Dark Olive Green<option value=\"#FF8C00\">Dark Orange<option value=\"#9932CC\">Dark Orchid<option value=\"#8B0000\">Dark Red" + "<option value=\"#E9967A\">Dark Salmon<option value=\"#8FBC8F\">Dark Sea Green<option value=\"#483D8B\">Dark Slate Blue<option value=\"#2F4F4F\">Dark Slate Gray" + "<option value=\"#00CED1\">Dark Turquoise<option value=\"#9400D3\">Dark Violet<option value=\"#FF1493\">Deep Pink<option value=\"#00BFFF\">Deep Sky Blue" + "<option value=\"#696969\">Dim Gray<option value=\"#1E90FF\">Dodger Blue<option value=\"#B22222\">Fire Brick<option value=\"#FFFAF0\">Floral White" + "<option value=\"#228B22\">Forest Green<option value=\"#FF00FF\">Fuchsia<option value=\"#DCDCDC\">Gainsboro<option value=\"#F8F8FF\">Ghost White" + "<option value=\"#FFD700\">Gold<option value=\"#DAA520\">Golden Rod<option value=\"#808080\">Gray<option value=\"#008000\">Green" + "<option value=\"#ADFF2F\">Green Yellow<option value=\"#F0FFF0\">Honey Dew<option value=\"#FF69B4\">Hot Pink<option value=\"#CD5C5C\">Indian Red" + "<option value=\"#4B0082\">Indigo<option value=\"#FFFFF0\">Ivory<option value=\"#F0E68C\">Khaki<option value=\"#E6E6FA\">Lavender" + "<option value=\"#FFF0F5\">Lavender Blush<option value=\"#7CFC00\">Lawn Green<option value=\"#FFFACD\">Lemon Chiffon<option value=\"#ADD8E6\">Light Blue" + "<option value=\"#F08080\">Light Coral<option value=\"#E0FFFF\">Light Cyan<option value=\"#FAFAD2\">Light Golden Rod Yellow<option value=\"#D3D3D3\">Light Gray" + "<option value=\"#90EE90\">Light Green<option value=\"#FFB6C1\">Light Pink<option value=\"#FFA07A\">Light Salmon<option value=\"#20B2AA\">Light Sea Green" + "<option value=\"#87CEFA\">Light Sky Blue<option value=\"#778899\">Light Slate Gray<option value=\"#B0C4DE\">Light Steel Blue<option value=\"#FFFFE0\">Light Yellow" + "<option value=\"#00FF00\">Lime<option value=\"#32CD32\">Lime Green<option value=\"#FAF0E6\">Linen<option value=\"#FF00FF\">Magenta" + "<option value=\"#800000\">Maroon<option value=\"#66CDAA\">Medium Aqua Marine<option value=\"#0000CD\">Medium Blue<option value=\"#BA55D3\">Medium Orchid" + "<option value=\"#9370D8\">Medium Purple<option value=\"#3CB371\">Medium Sea Green<option value=\"#7B68EE\">Medium Slate Blue<option value=\"#00FA9A\">Medium Spring Green" + "<option value=\"#48D1CC\">Medium Turquoise<option value=\"#C71585\">Medium Violet Red<option value=\"#191970\">Midnight Blue<option value=\"#F5FFFA\">Mint Cream" + "<option value=\"#FFE4E1\">Misty Rose<option value=\"#FFE4B5\">Mocassin<option value=\"#FFDEAD\">Navajo White<option value=\"#000080\">Navy" + "<option value=\"#FDF5E6\">Old Lace<option value=\"#808000\">Olive<option value=\"#6B8E23\">Olive Drab<option value=\"#FFA500\">Orange" + "<option value=\"#FF4500\">Orange Red<option value=\"#EEE8AA\">Pale Golden Rod<option value=\"#98FB98\">Pale Green<option value=\"#AFEEEE\">Pale Turquoise" + "<option value=\"#D87093\">Pale Violet Red<option value=\"#FFEFD5\">Papaya Whip<option value=\"#FFDAB9\">Peach Puff<option value=\"#CD853F\">Peru" + "<option value=\"#FFC0CB\">Pink<option value=\"#DDA0DD\">Plum<option value=\"#B0E0E6\">Powder Blue<option value=\"#800080\">Purple" + "<option value=\"#FF0000\">Red<option value=\"#BC8F8F\">Rosy Brown<option value=\"#4169E1\">Royal Blue<option value=\"#8B4513\">Saddle Brown" + "<option value=\"#FA8072\">Salmon<option value=\"#F4A460\">Sandy Brown<option value=\"#2E8B57\">Sea Green<option value=\"#FFF5EE\">Sea Shell" + "<option value=\"#A0522D\">Sienna<option value=\"#C0C0C0\">Silver<option value=\"#87CEEB\">Sky Blue<option value=\"#6A5ACD\">Slate Blue" + "<option value=\"#708090\">Slate Gray<option value=\"#FFFAFA\">Snow<option value=\"#00FF7F\">Spring Green<option value=\"#4682B4\">Steel Blue" + "<option value=\"#D2B48C\">Tan<option value=\"#008080\">Teal<option value=\"#D8BFD8\">Thistle<option value=\"#FF6347\">Tomato" + "<option value=\"#40E0D0\">Turquoise<option value=\"#EE82EE\">Violet<option value=\"#F5DEB3\">Wheat<option value=\"#FFFFFF\">White" + "<option value=\"#F5F5F5\">White Smoke<option value=\"#FFFF00\">Yellow<option value=\"#9ACD32\">Yellow Green" + "</select>" + htmlspaces + "<select name=\"fnt_face\" id=\"fnt_face\" onChange=\"COMMENTOR.insertTag('<span style=font-family:' + COMMENTOR.$('testimonial_form').fnt_face.options[fnt_face.selectedIndex].value + '>', '</span>'); COMMENTOR.$('testimonial_form').fnt_face.options[0].selected=true\">" + "<option value=\"\">Font" + "<option value=\"serif\" style=\"font-family:serif\">Serif" + "<option value=\"monospace\" style=\"font-family:monospace\">Monospace" + "<option value=\"Century\" style=\"font-family:Century\">Century" + "<option value=\"Courier\" style=\"font-family:Courier\">Courier" + "</select>" + "</div>" + "<table class=\"formtable\"><tr><td class=\"value\">" + "<textarea id=\"komen\" rows=\"7\" tabindex=\"4\" name=\"body\" onfocus=\"COMMENTOR.xBackground('komen', '#e5fff3', null);\" onblur=\"COMMENTOR.xBackground('komen', '#ddd', null);\" onKeyDown=\"return COMMENTOR.catchTab(this, event);COMMENTOR.charactersLeft(COMMENTOR.$('komen'), COMMENTOR.$('minputcount'), COMMENTOR.$max);\" onKeyUp=\"COMMENTOR.livecomprev();COMMENTOR.stripTags(this);COMMENTOR.charactersLeft(COMMENTOR.$('komen'), COMMENTOR.$('minputcount'), COMMENTOR.$max);\" onblur=\"COMMENTOR.stripTags(this);\"></textarea>" + "<div class=\"resizeButtons\">" + "<a href=\"#null\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.rstxtbox('komen', 0, 10);return false;\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/rs_vb.gif\" style=\"margin: 2px\" /></a>" + "<a href=\"#null\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.rstxtbox('komen', 0, -10);return false;\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" + COMMENTOR.$dir + "testi/rs_vs.gif\" style=\"margin: 2px\" /></a>" + "</div>" + "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"value\">" + "<input class=\"inputButtons\" type=\"button\" name=\"Submit\" href=\"#quicktesti\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.stripTags(COMMENTOR.$('komen'));COMMENTOR.livecomprev();COMMENTOR.sendAction();\" value=\"Submit\">" + htmlspaces + "<input class=\"inputButtons\" type=\"button\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"Clear\" maxlength=\"25\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.commentClick();\">" + htmlspaces + "<input class=\"inputButtons\" type=\"reset\" name=\"cancel\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.cancelForm();\" value=\"Close\">" + htmlspaces + "<input id=\"show\" class=\"inputButtons\" type=\"button\" name=\"Smilies\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.showForm();\" value=\"Open Smilies\">" + "<input id=\"close\" style=\"display:none;\" class=\"inputButtons\" type=\"button\" name=\"Smilies\" onclick=\"COMMENTOR.hideForm();\" value=\"Close Smilies\">" + "<div class=\"dc\"><span class=\"q\">Characters" + htmlspaces + "remaining" + htmlspaces + "</span><input id=\"minputcount\" readonly maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\" value=\"" + COMMENTOR.$max + "\" name=\"inputcount\"></div>" + "<div id=\"hide\" style=\"display:none;width:468px;\" align=\"center\">" + smdiv.innerHTML + "</div>" + "</td></tr></table></form></div>"; COMMENTOR.commentBox("Quick Testimonial", commform, "quicktesti", "18", "above"); window.location.href = "#quicktesti"; COMMENTOR.mainphoto(); }, anaconda: function (htm) { if (COMMENTOR.trimX(htm) === "") { try { throw new Error("Empty xmlresponse! Unable to parse your details!"); } catch (ey) { window.alert(ey); } return; } else if (htm) { for (var val in COMMENTOR.details) { if (typeof COMMENTOR.details[val] !== "function") { try { COMMENTOR.details[val] = new RegExp(COMMENTOR.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]; } catch (e) { COMMENTOR.details[val] = ""; } } } var idVal = COMMENTOR.$("txtsearchfs").value; var outputObj = COMMENTOR.$("outputphoto"); outputObj = COMMENTOR.replaceHtml(outputObj, COMMENTOR.details.photo.replace(/<img/g, "<a href=\"http://" + location.hostname + "/" + idVal + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img")); var outputName = COMMENTOR.$("outputname"); outputName = COMMENTOR.replaceHtml(outputName, "<a href=\"http://" + location.hostname + "/" + idVal + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + COMMENTOR.details.name + "</a>"); } }, mainphoto: function () { if (COMMENTOR.$("txtsearchfs") !== "") { var idVal = COMMENTOR.$("txtsearchfs").value; if (window.location.href.indexOf("user.php") !== -1) { COMMENTOR.getRequest("http://" + location.hostname + "/user.php?uid=" + idVal, true, COMMENTOR.anaconda, null); } else { COMMENTOR.getRequest("http://" + location.hostname + "/" + idVal, true, COMMENTOR.anaconda, null); } } }, xBackground: function (e, c, i) { if (!(e = COMMENTOR.$(e))) { return ""; } var bg = ""; if (e.style) { if (COMMENTOR.xStr(c)) { e.style.backgroundColor = c; } if (COMMENTOR.xStr(i)) { e.style.backgroundImage = (i !== "") ? 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} } } var commentObj = COMMENTOR.$("prevComment"); commentObj = COMMENTOR.replaceHtml(commentObj, commentVal); }, commentClick: function () { var commentValue = ["prevComment", "komen"], x = 0; while (x < commentValue.length) { commentValue[x] = COMMENTOR.replaceHtml(COMMENTOR.$(commentValue[x]), ""); x += 1; } var inputCountVal = COMMENTOR.$("minputcount"); inputCountVal.value = COMMENTOR.$max; window.location.href = "#quicktesti"; }, sRange: function (input, sStart, sEnd) { /*global navigator*/ if (input.setSelectionRange) { input.focus(); input.setSelectionRange(sStart, sEnd); } else if (input.createTextRange) { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd("character", sEnd); range.moveStart("character", sStart); range.select(); } }, rSelection: function (input, rString) { if (input.setSelectionRange) { var sStart = input.selectionStart; var sEnd = input.selectionEnd; input.value = input.value.substring(0, sStart) + rString + input.value.substring(sEnd); if (sStart !== sEnd) { COMMENTOR.sRange(input, sStart, sStart + rString.length); } else { COMMENTOR.sRange(input, sStart + rString.length, sStart + rString.length); } } else if (document.selection) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range.parentElement() === input) { var isCollapsed = range.text === ""; range.text = rString; if (!isCollapsed) { range.moveStart("character", -rString.length); range.select(); } } } }, catchTab: function (item, e) { var c; if (navigator.userAgent.match("Gecko")) { c = e.which; } else { c = e.keyCode; } if (c === 9) { COMMENTOR.rSelection(item, String.fromCharCode(9)); window.setTimeout("COMMENTOR.$('" + item.id + "').focus();", 0); return false; } }, charactersLeft: function (field, countfield, maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit) { field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); } else { countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } if (countfield.value <= 5) { field.style.color = "red"; } else { field.style.color = "black"; } }, exCSS: function (links) { var objCSS; var objHead = COMMENTOR.elmsByTag("head", document); if (objHead[0]) { if (document.createElementNS && objHead[0].tagName === "head") { objCSS = objHead[0].appendChild(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "link")); } else { objCSS = objHead[0].appendChild(document.createElement("link")); objCSS.rel = "stylesheet"; objCSS.href = links; objCSS.type = "text/css"; } } }, cancelForm: function () { var commentPreview = COMMENTOR.$("prevComment"); commentPreview = COMMENTOR.replaceHtml(commentPreview, ""); try { window.setTimeout("COMMENTOR.$('quicktesti').parentNode.removeChild(COMMENTOR.$('quicktesti'));window.location.href='#18'", 2000); } catch (e) { window.setTimeout("COMMENTOR.$('quicktesti').style.display='none';window.location.href='#18'", 2000); } COMMENTOR.init(); }, showForm: function () { if (COMMENTOR.$("hide").style.display !== "none") { COMMENTOR.hideForm(); } else { var x, y; var disNo = ["hide", "close"]; for (x = 0, y = disNo.length; x < y; x += 1) { COMMENTOR.$(disNo[x]).style.display = ""; } COMMENTOR.$("show").style.display = "none"; } }, hideForm: function () { if (COMMENTOR.$("hide").style.display !== "") { COMMENTOR.showForm(); } else { var x, y; var disNone = ["hide", "close"]; for (x = 0, y = disNone.length; x < y; x += 1) { COMMENTOR.$(disNone[x]).style.display = "none"; } COMMENTOR.$("show").style.display = ""; } }, replaceHtml: function (el, html) { var oldEl = typeof el === "string" ? COMMENTOR.$(el) : el; /*@cc_on @if (@_win32 || @_win64) oldEl.innerHTML = html; return oldEl; @end @*/ var newEl = oldEl.cloneNode(false); newEl.innerHTML = html; oldEl.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, oldEl); return newEl; }, trimX: function (htm) { var ws = /\s/, $tart = 0, end = htm.length; while (ws.test(htm.charAt($tart += 1))) { while (ws.test(htm.charAt(end -= 1))) { return htm.slice($tart - 1, end + 1); } } }, elmsByTag: function (t, p) { var list = null; t = t || "*"; p = COMMENTOR.$(p) || document; if (typeof p.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { list = p.getElementsByTagName(t); if (t === "*" && (!list || !list.length)) { list = p.all; } } else { if (t === "*") { list = p.all; } else if (p.all && p.all.tags) { list = p.all.tags(t); } } return list || []; }, innerTextFeature: function () { var obj = (COMMENTOR.elmsByTag("body", document)[0].innerText !== undefined) ? true : false; return obj; }, changeText: function (elem, changeVal) { if (!COMMENTOR.innerTextFeature()) { elem.textContent = changeVal; } else { elem.innerText = changeVal; } }, rtxt: function (text, textarea) { if (typeof textarea.caretPos !== "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) === " " ? text + " ": text; caretPos.select(); } else if (typeof textarea.selectionStart !== "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text + end; if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { textarea.focus(); textarea.setSelectionRange(begin.length + text.length, begin.length + text.length); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } else { textarea.value += text; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } }, insertTag: function (open, close) { var msgfield = document.all ? document.all.body : COMMENTOR.$("testimonial_form").body; if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { msgfield.focus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = open + sel.text + close; msgfield.focus(); } else if (msgfield.selectionStart || msgfield.selectionStart <= 0) { var startPos = msgfield.selectionStart; var endPos = msgfield.selectionEnd; msgfield.value = msgfield.value.substring(0, startPos) + open + msgfield.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + close + msgfield.value.substring(endPos, msgfield.value.length); msgfield.selectionStart = msgfield.selectionEnd = endPos + open.length + close.length; msgfield.focus(); } else { msgfield.value += open + close; msgfield.focus(); } return; }, rstxtbox: function (name, colInc, rowInc) { try { var objek; if (COMMENTOR.$ie) { objek = document.all[name]; } else { objek = COMMENTOR.$(name); } objek.rows += rowInc; objek.cols += colInc; } catch (e) {} }, $: function () { var elements = []; for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i += 1) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element === "string") { element = document.getElementById(element); } if (arguments.length === 1) { return element; } elements.push(element); } return elements; }, commentBox: function (header, htmlString, id, sibling, insertion) { var sibdiv, sibli; var headerName = typeof header === "string" ? "<h2>" + header + "</h2>" : null; sibdiv = COMMENTOR.createElements("div", { className: "commonbox " + id, id: id, innerHTML: headerName }); var appendDiv = COMMENTOR.createElements("div", { id: "content_" + id, innerHTML: htmlString }); sibdiv.appendChild(appendDiv); sibli = COMMENTOR.createElements("li", null, null); sibli.appendChild(sibdiv); var ulTag = COMMENTOR.$(sibling); if (insertion === "below") { ulTag.parentNode.appendChild(sibli); } else if (insertion === "above") { ulTag.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(sibli, ulTag.parentNode); } else { ulTag.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(sibli); } }, getRequest: function (url, async, func, handlerparam) { /*global ActiveXObject, XMLHttpRequest, navigator*/ var xmlHttp = null; var requestDone = false; var responseType = "text"; var timeout = 0; var ival = null; var onreadystatechange = {}; var msxml = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"]; for (var x = 0, len = msxml.length; x < len; x += 1) { try { xmlHttp = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject(msxml[x]) : new XMLHttpRequest(); break; } catch (e) { if (async) { xmlHttp = null; } } } if (typeof func === "function") { onreadystatechange = function (isTimeout) { if (!requestDone && xmlHttp && (xmlHttp.readyState === 4 || isTimeout === "timeout")) { requestDone = true; if (ival) { window.clearInterval(ival); ival = null; } if (!xmlHttp.status && location.protocol === "file:" || (xmlHttp.status >= 200 && xmlHttp.status < 300) || xmlHttp.status === 304 || xmlHttp.status === 1223) { var resPonse = /xml/i.test(responseType) ? xmlHttp.responseXML : xmlHttp.responseText; func(resPonse.replace(new RegExp("<script[^>]*>[\\S\\s]*?<\/script>", "gi"), ""), handlerparam); } if (async) { xmlHttp = null; } } }; } if (async) { ival = window.setInterval(onreadystatechange, 13); if (timeout > 0) { window.setTimeout(function () { if (xmlHttp) { xmlHttp.abort(); if (!requestDone) { onreadystatechange("timeout"); } } }, timeout); } } xmlHttp.open("GET", url, async); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("getRequest", "true"); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript, application/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, text/plain, */*"); xmlHttp.send(null); if (!async) { onreadystatechange(); } return xmlHttp; } }; })(); //For IE5.0 if (![].push) { Array.prototype.push = function () { for (var x = 0, y = arguments.length; x < y; x += 1) { this[this.length] = arguments[x]; } return this.length; }; } /*global pageViewerLangPref*/ if (pageViewerLangPref === "en-US") { COMMENTOR.init(); } //----------------------------- [/spoiler] or you aren't been able to see it? try to compile it if you want to see a preview of it in your profile try to find "Post a Comment" beside View All XXX another box will appear
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

First post updated..Download link updated..:thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

err.... there are some conflicts of my when im trying to use it..... sigh.... but it was a great trick.... :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote=emoshun]err.... there are some conflicts of my when im trying to use it..... sigh.... but it was a great trick.... :thumbsup:[/quote] you may use the js injector code..just like what i did...:thumbsup:

Last edited by lordheinz (2008-08-16 07:36:40)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

how ican i edit the code if iwant to make it appear without click post comment or add comment sir... need help... ^_^
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

wow, nice thx 4 sharing!! i really want dis but i wish there was one for css...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

when i am pressing the submit button.. it does nothing.. it doesn't post the comments.. please help!?
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

[quote=vinmark016]when i am pressing the submit button.. it does nothing.. it doesn't post the comments.. please help!?[/quote] [img]http://websitebullets.com/bullets/125.gif[/img] bro, you cant comment yourself using the [b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b]. Only your friends can use it. If you will post a comment for yourself, it will just redirect you to your comments. . :penguin: - or maybe you made a mistake with the codes? try to check it, cause mine was like that before. =|

Last edited by zenlaws02 (2008-08-28 01:42:18)

  • » [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of July 1, 2008[/b] [quote][align=center][b]Quick Testimonial Box v3.6[/b][/align][/quote] :arrow: [b]Cross brows

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