2008-01-23 05:14:41

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [flash=0x0]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/flash/xup.swf[/flash] [b]CREDITS:[/b] :arrow: [b]KEN MARFILLA[/b] :arrow: RENALVIR :arrow: NOPATHZ :arrow: [b]bobcbar[/b] << for always helping :thumb

[quote=blackheart104][quote=briscia]! hold up.. wt am i suppose 2 do with the .txt mv.txt tracker.css tracker.php files? am so confused.. am a newbie :D ermmm.. do i hv 2 generate it? where? & shall i put it on my media box? hmm.. :crybaby: help.. xx[/quote] Upload these files: mv.txt. trackers.css, tracker.php, tracker.txt to your ripways account under 1 folder, then generate it. here's the link: http://angelldeville.mydiscussionboard.com/Host-Your-Own-File-h19.htm. After that, paste the code in "Who I Want To Meet" box.[/quote] ! hmm.. done :D but how cum nothin changed? :( i refreshd it a lot ov tyms.. then still no change :wallbash: waaaaaaaaaaa :| xx

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