[quote=KhErMiNaToR][quote=burnok]love the effect...hihihi...thanks for this...at first it was not working...it just nid some rfresh...hihihi...thanks......thanks
can you reverse the effect? like on profile load, all the boxes are in hide mode?[/quote]
you can try this,
<">paste the code at the top of ur js file..
then, inside the onloadhandler, use this:
[b]function onProfileLoad(){[/b] //<-- onloadhandler
[quote][color=red]show_hide("content_0");[/color] //controlpanel
[color=red]show_hide("content_1");[/color] //photogalery
[color=red]show_hide("content_6");[/color] //moreabout
//ans so on..
//depends on the boxes in ur page.[/quote]
[b]}[/b] //<-- end onloadhandler
that codes will make ur boxes minimized when the profile fully loaded..
yay! thank you so much sir!! can i give a plus?

* so sorry for the double post...

Last edited by burnok (2008-03-11 13:29:33)