Haven't you seen this post already. Well you must now!

[b] Please avoid making request or such for a fan-sign from page to another page... it's kinda annoying you know... [/b]

Page 1: ^Hey can you make me a fan sign too...
Page 2: (Same Person) ^ Please make me a fan-sign...

Page 3: (Same Person) ^ Waaa make me a fan-sign please[/quote]

Do not force them to make you a fan-sign... as if he/she is your fan

It would be necessary if you will just pm the person if you want to make a request...

For the benefits of all... You know this thread is so fast (zoom zoom)
I don't want to indicate your name here... you know who you are....
You can do it next time around... [b]And i will not be shy to post your name here[/b]...

Last edited by ' 'eMokIdD (2008-04-13 10:07:29)