[quote=lonlytoes][b]ewenessgALLore[/b] be patient. for sure they will hit you back. but dont ask them to give it to you coz it wont be a fansign anymore if you ask it.
and to my beloved admin
to those members that gave fansigns, you can never say no it i am sure

coz i made that with effort. i bought the pastels specially for these thread..
love you all[/quote]
weee thnx siz anthonette....
i can see that you put a lot of effort on it. thnx siz..

ill gve you one too coz yer so nice.

[quote=hiace16]here's my [b]fansign[/b] for [b]Ate Tinay and Icceecute..[/b]

thnx hiace...

[quote=HiLyNkAwAii]@Sis Tinay.. hehe actually I have lots of poses with that BG and fansign

btw, i want to see urs

i wanted to see all of em siz hy!!
i love it...
you wanted to see mine...sure but maybe some other time.. ahehe its not as good as yers though..