[quote=eehjhay][spoiler]Do not flame in here.
[b]ANNOUNCEMENT[/b] <-- Familiar with this? Many members posting here with this kind of message. Aren't you get tired of this? It's kinda annoying. You may use your signature so you don't have to post those all over again. Geez! Are you reposting those [b]ANNOUNCEMENTS[/b] just to make your post longer or what? Even if you include those in your posts, but the people who you gave fansigns etc won't notice those since this topic is getting crowded by too much discussions!
Anyway let's go to the [b]PENDING[/b] announcement. <-- Another one! Woot! Like I said above, you may use your signature for this. You can insert them in a spoiler tag.
FanSign - A portrait or picture of yourself together with a piece of paper labeled with handwritten name of your friend. This is used to give your simple way of thanking them.
This is made voluntarily. If you give a fansign to your friend, do not expect that they have to give back any fansigns. Are nuts asking them a fansign? Are you a beggar or a parasite? I'm sorry if you are offended on my comments but you are being ignorant and rude to us. Especially on me. I created this topic and you ignored my rules.
Another purpose of fansign is to prove that a member in an online community is real or just a poser. Of course if you take a picture of yourself showing your face and the handwritten of your friend's name, then no one will suspect that you are poser. I know someone is not posting in this topic. I am still waiting for HIM to post here. What a loser. He's really a poser.
As for the others, please abide our conditions. We want to have fun, right? Then we must follow the agreed rules.[/spoiler][/quote]

Bros and sis.... can we look back again on Ej's post when He Locked this thread before

@Sis Tinay.. hehe actually I have lots of poses with that BG and fansign

btw, i want to see urs

@Sis Chew

Its okey.. I just wanna be sure, coz this thread has been closed b4 ayt

welcome sis


pls proceed here

Im starting to make again for those newbies here that impressd me a lot
Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-04-22 09:38:36)