[quote=pinkblack08]for sis rossvolturi:
sorry if i posted my fansyns 4 u just now,coz this thread was once closed so i just visited this again today and when i found outt this isn't closed anymore,i posted my fansyn for u.sorry if i edited it..hehe
for sis kristina16:
(i have another 1 for u coz my photobucket has a prob..
for sis linniie:
waah thnx siz phia..

muah muah! realy liked it!
@siz hy: i was planning to do that also... i mean fansigns of all the fansigns i did ahehe

so cute!!
@siz tina_nastygurl: yup yup siz...its ok... if its not resized
thnx again siz..i already did one for you but i havent upload it yet on my photobucket...
@siz bembi: i missed u so much.... siz...