• » Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

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Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

This is my Cleaning Tool! It's D Best! =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

Yeah, it also cleans the registry well compared to its old version. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

Updated original post...
  • » Is your computer sluggish or just slow, have you ever run a clean up or registry edit on it before, if not I would like to suggest CCleaner! It is a free application and I am extremely impressed with

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