Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
thx for the tutorial sist.
but i think u miss the end part.
the code should be like this.
[quote]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE[b]</font>[/b][/quote]
u dont have to put that "[b]</font>[/b]"
this code is different
not just like others!![/quote]
mr andha is right. The [b]<font>[/b] tag is always close by [b]</font>[/b] tag
if you will not close it you will mess the other tags.
there are only tags that dont have closing tags like
pls review the right html coding...