» [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
[align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
nice tutorial..it can help da oders hu doesnt know da basic html codes..tenks for sharing
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
[url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com][img]http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1084/1084295eeuc32prkx.gif[/img][/url] [i]wow thanks fuu sharing ive been searchin' fuu this one.... tenchu[/i][url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com][img]http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/926/926517eydfgxyzwy.gif[/img][/url]
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
thanks 4 sharing [b]cute bratinela01[/b]
keep it up
to andHa and elaiza cute bratinela01 is ryt...u know why?
bcoz the codes that i'm using ryt now is also different...lol
u can try this
better use this as a comment
[quote]<font face= "verdana" size="2" color="green">text here</font>[/quote]
cute bratinela01 : Relax..Be cool gurl..
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
<font color=hotpink>thanks 4 sharing </font> i've been searching 4 this~
thanks a lot it's very useful 4 commenting and edited my profile
thanks a lot
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
those code [b][u]DONT[/u][/b] work here in Ftalk
this is what we use here!
for fonts style:
<">for font colors!:
<">This is mostly for [u][b]NEWBIES[/b][/u]
[u][b]THANK[/b][/u]s for putting so much effort anyway
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
Re: [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo
» [align=center][b][u][color=hotpink]changing font colors[/color][/u][/b][/align]
[code]<font color=COLORHERE>TEXT HERE</font>[/code]
just change the "colorhere" && the "text here"
you can choose colo