Been thinking if i have to post this or not but i guess i should.

i made this topic in order to put all the questions about multiply in one topic. And i think that having a Multiply Help topic not Thread will at least not lag talk.

Charging from experience its kinda scary to post a question related to multiply in the Friendster Help thread

but mods if you think this is unnecessary, you can delete this

requesting for Mods to stick this topic.

for my first question.. is there a particular arrangement for the scripts in multiply like in friendster? to make it more clearer, does having too many onload handlers affect your scripts?

[b]Added Note:[/b] Since we don't have a Multiply Help Section... Just post your question here to avoid forum lag as duchesv wrote...
[quote][b]Guidelines:[/b] posted by sis meng
1. Please only post if you really have something to contribute or something related to say that would help. This makes it easier to follow the discussion in the thread.
2. Please indicate if your question has been answered. To do so, EDIT your first post then include "Now i know" or "Thanks my question has been answered" or anything like that.
3. If you need help with your code, link to your page. Please do not paste the entire HTML markup in the thread. Just post it if you were asked to, or you have your page encrypted.
4. In posting your code, please put it inside code tags.
5.If your posting a question about your profile be sure that you put the link or else the question would be not answered!
6. Do not ask a question that has already been answered.
7. Please be Patient.
8. Non-sense answers or non-related answers will be not entertained
9.Speak in English. :biggrin:[/quote]
[quote]admin wrote:
Double posting literally means posting the same information twice. This also refers to when a member posting twice in a row without another user's post separating the two.
It is considered more proper to edit your previous post to include the new comments instead of creating a new post. The problem with this can be that readers who have already read the original post may miss the information that was edited in.[/quote]
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-03-04 23:35:35)