I, lucknskill, a moderator, wish to apologize in behalf of my other fellow Filipino forumers for posting non-international topics and non-english discussion on some threads here in friendster talk. It has been understood that your lack of participation in our discussion is due to our foreign language and we feel bad about that. We really wish to start anew and speak in english only from now on. Not only that but we will try our best to make your foruming experience enjoyable at all times by following proper rules in foruming and making proper actions to any violators.
I'm sorry if my english is not that good but i hope you guys understood what i'm trying to say. We want to see other countries to participate in posting too, so please forgive us for our mistakes. Here in this thread, we want to hear your voice. Please let us feel that we are not dominating too much here in ftalk. Love you all!
Thanks and Godbless..