aaaawwwwwwww!! really.? hmmmm..
i found this on the other thread :
[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]wew...


I only share the css linker now( all bowser compatible )
first..change URL OF CSS with ur own css url..

then go to this generator
put the codes above to the input box then click generate
finally copy/paste the generated codes in HTML (with semicolons) box to ur media box..

you have done it..

you can do it also for js linker by making ur js codes in css form and follow the steps above

but it only works for FF and IE.

For JS Linker ( all bowser compatible )..I'll never post it here coz it's very dangerous..

does this work.?
and btw.. i found the word "array" on ur media .. is that the program fs using to super filter our media boxes.? hmmm ..