• » [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

Pages: 1234567..7

[b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

it is? then why my codes still working?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=Refresh/Reload]correct me if i'm wrong... :D I Think.... If we host our own linker we actually don't need the code below... function fxLoader(){ a=document.getElementById("cradle").href b=document.createElement("script") b.type="text/javascript" b.src=a document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b) } fxLoader() and some of the scripts below... body { -moz-binding:url("URL OF UR RSS.SWF#thecradle"); width:expression( function load(){ get=document.createElement("script"); get.type="text/javascript"; get.src=cradle.href; document.getElementById("navBg").appendChild(get); cradle.href="#"; } window.onload=load); } or those scripts to call the id and url...[/quote] ahaha.. sorry bout that... i should've renamed the topic .. the topic is actually like for making another linker .. after hosting , you can use the linker in all of ur accounts.. that's the convenient part of it.. and it will be really a hard time for somebody to always repeating tje procedure (with no id and url) just to put scripts in their acct.. got mee.? :D [quote=bobcbar]shit the linker code itself is being filtered again :crybaby:[/quote] is that true? aaaaww.. shit [quote=allentambaoan]to darylldelfin: i followed your instructions. it works perfectly in ff. but when using ie my addbox and wvm and other tweaks are not showing . i also did what u said to make 2 wvm url (one for ie and one for ff) and the url for that both is the my main js which i put in the final linker. any help?? did everything u said but my profile only works in ff. help pls! thanks..[/quote] lol .. i can't view ur proffy .. it's private.. :|
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

ahhh... yes... for multiple account users... gotcha bro!! :thumbsup: sadly it's being filtered again... even the steps i've posted... :crybaby:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

aaaawwwwwwww!! really.? hmmmm.. i found this on the other thread : [quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]wew...:D :D well..=)I only share the css linker now( all bowser compatible ) Code: <STYLE>@import'URL OF CSS';</STYLE> first..change URL OF CSS with ur own css url..=) then go to this generator http://hackmaster.007gb.com/generator.html put the codes above to the input box then click generate finally copy/paste the generated codes in HTML (with semicolons) box to ur media box..:) you have done it..:cool: you can do it also for js linker by making ur js codes in css form and follow the steps above :) but it only works for FF and IE.:) For JS Linker ( all bowser compatible )..I'll never post it here coz it's very dangerous..:)[/quote] does this work.? and btw.. i found the word "array" on ur media .. is that the program fs using to super filter our media boxes.? hmmm .. :wallbash:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

uhhmmm the code that TA Juleigtin Siahaan provided was for CSS..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

^ i updated the first post already .. now workin on js!! =D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

yap!! :thumbsup: :D all is working now... thanx to TA for this... [quote]<STYLE>@import'URL OF CSS';</STYLE>[/quote]

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2008-06-06 00:06:18)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

yeah.. +1 for TA .. hehe.. CSS LINKER: <">JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE: <">:D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

:| WhErE cAn I fInD marvinkamote14??? :wallbash: BeCaUsE I tRiEd It In ie bUt nOtHinG hAppEnD.....:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: My HeAd iS acHinG jusT foR fIndiNg hIm.... :arrow: PlzZz rePly fAzT bEcauZe I reaLlY neEd It..... PlzZzZ iF yoU rEplY tO mE I wIlL rePoSt dizZz :D AnD cAn I haVe a FavOr??? Can U fInD mE tRicKs thAt iS jS extEnsioN opEratEd?? And aLso tUtOriAl video oF hOw to Do ExTeRnAl js anD css eXtEnsIonS??? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ThaNk yOu.. OH!! I alMost ForGoT... ReplY iF you Found VidEo TutOriAlS....
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[b]Nice one bro...really helpful especially to the new members :thumbsup:[/b] [quote=edricaraneta]WhErE cAn I fInD marvinkamote14???[/quote] [b]I found him sis...Just go here: =|[/b] :penguin: [url]http://theftalk.com/p=marvinkamote14[/url]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-06-06 04:40:14)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=edricaraneta]ReplY iF you Found VidEo TutOriAlS....[/quote] i think i found video tutorials on the tricks and tutorials section :D [quote=Angeli_7]Nice one bro...really helpful especially to the new members[/quote] yep .. cause im a new member too .. LOL . =D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

nice tuts bro.. i got it ! +repu for u :kiss:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

i tried this linker and i follow the step but it's not working anymore...
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=micah_km]nice tuts bro.. i got it ! +repu for u :kiss:[/quote] tinxuu very much!! :D [quote=micah_km]i tried this linker and i follow the step but it's not working anymore...[/quote] hey .. ur profile is workin .. i saw this on ur media box : <">that means this linker really works!! :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

Why did you change the css url in the code, the post say only to change ur js url? [quote]<STYLE>@[b]import'http://h1.ripway.com/tabtok/mine/joki/linker.css'[/b];</STYLE> <a href='http://h1.ripway.com/tabtok/mine/joki/my.js' id='cradle'[/quote]

Last edited by bobcbar (2008-06-06 23:09:22)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=edricaraneta]WhErE cAn I fInD marvinkamote14??? :wallbash: BeCaUsE I tRiEd It In ie bUt nOtHinG hAppEnD.....:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: My HeAd iS acHinG jusT foR fIndiNg hIm.... :arrow: PlzZz rePly fAzT bEcauZe I reaLlY neEd It..... PlzZzZ iF yoU rEplY tO mE I wIlL rePoSt dizZz :D AnD cAn I haVe a FavOr??? Can U fInD mE tRicKs thAt iS jS extEnsioN opEratEd?? And aLso tUtOriAl video oF hOw to Do ExTeRnAl js anD css eXtEnsIonS??? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ThaNk yOu.. OH!! I alMost ForGoT... ReplY iF you Found VidEo TutOriAlS....[/quote] PLS. avoid using [b]StIcKy cApS [/b]next time.. read the rules pls..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=bobcbar]Why did you change the css url in the code, the post say only to change ur js url? <STYLE>@import'http://h1.ripway.com/tabtok/mine/joki/linker.css';</STYLE> <a href='http://h1.ripway.com/tabtok/mine/joki/my.js' id='cradle'[/quote] it's her own linker sir bob .. it's just like the new linker .. on how to make one , it's on d 1st page of this thread :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

omg.. someone is looking for me.. i wonder why? :D @topic.. nice one bro.. glad that you post my approach on the onload handler.. keep it up! :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

[quote=marvinkamote14]omg.. someone is looking for me.. i wonder why? :D @topic.. nice one bro.. glad that you post my approach on the onload handler.. keep it up! :thumbsup:[/quote] ahaha.. tnx bro! +1 for u! :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

..nice!! it worked! tnx 4 sharing .. :D
  • » [b]edited[/b] changed title of the topic because the cradle's linker file again exceeded bandwidth before topic starts , here is the shared linker.. any one can use it..: JS LINKER FROM THE CRADLE

Pages: 1234567..7

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