[quote][b]Note:[/b] Some of the codes are gained through zip files. Do not remove any stated credits inside the scripts...
If you do so, A punishment can/could be marked to your reputation as a person.
And, do not expect that all of the scripts are compatible with your default browser.

==> Alert scripts
[spoiler]* Fake virus alert
[spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/popup/bacc.html]CLICKA![/url]
* Ur choice script (redirection version)
[spoiler][quote]/*This script by: Tony Rengel and Danny Duran Email us at: customjava@hotmail.com
We will make CUSTOM java scripts for your website!!
just keep this header up here! up here!
Thanks. Have a GREAT day!
To edit its pretty simple, just see where the text or URL is
any questions, e-mail customjava@hotmail.com */
function ask()
var enter=prompt("You have 3 options: Type 1 for more info. Type 2 to continue. Type 3 to drop some comments."," ");
var yes = 1
if (enter == 1)
alert('This page: is best viewed in FF. Have fun and enjoy!Tc=) :-)');
else if (enter == 2)
parent.location.href = "http://profiles.friendster.com/[b]user id here[/b]"
else if (enter == 3)
parent.location.href = "http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]user id here[/b]"
alert('invalid number, try again');
[/spoiler] preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/choicex.html[/url]
* Ur history (came from alert)
[spoiler][quote]var name = prompt("What is your name, friendster user?")
alert("Hello "+name+" and welcome to my page. You have a "+navigator.appName+" version: "+navigator.appVersion+" and you came from "+document.referrer+". Have fun!")[/quote]
[/spoiler] preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/from.html[/url]
* Fooling Someone Alert (multiple version)
[spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/madamee.html[/url]
* Whats the password alert!
[spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/password.html[/url]
* No active X event alert
preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/bigalert.html[/url]
* Overloaded alert (almost everything is here)
preview: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/popup/bonga.html]CLICK[/url]
*good bye alert (timer alert)
preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/bye2.html[/url]
update as of June 13 08
* Time Lived alert
[spoiler]<">[/spoiler] preview:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/timelive.html[/url]
* Any click Alert (Lol. this is not obligatory) with disadvantage ..Nwei, just wanna share this code;
preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/popup/anyclick.html[/url]
* Ip blocker alert> If you want to block a specific user, With a specific ip address...then
use this one.. This can be considered as an [b]ENEMY ALERT[/b]
[spoiler][quote]var ip = '<!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR"-->'
if (ip == '[b]IP ADDRESS OF UR ENEMY HIR[/b]') {
alert("STOP! You are viewing this page from an IP address that is not allowed!");
alert("Why can't you guys just leave me alone?");
if (confirm("Do you want to leave peacefully? Or will I have to help you?"))
{location.href="[b]ANY HTTP:// LINK OF A SITE HERE[/b]" } else { ("OK you choose I don't care! Bye bye! Don't come back!"); {location.href="[b]ANY HTTP:// LINK OF A SITE HERE[/b]" }} }[/quote]
[b]Updates: 11/15/08[/b]
*Pop up is blocked alert
<">*Print page alert (automatic version)
<">[b]Updates: 11/23/08[/b]
*Screen size alert
<">[b]note: for Js extension only![/b]

[b]ps: another features will be added. As soon as possible[/b]
jsmade easy
jscript kit
dynamic drive
sir erick king
dhtml masters
Last edited by ---xXirukiTepe--- (2008-11-23 01:18:09)