^ahmmm...this is not a confession Arena?!

@Siren: aw best! im not crazy! just pyschotic!

@nix: me?! hahaha...

nope you are! crazy than anyone!

@Lowis: aw

yah i miss Ms.Horsey the One Legged Tikbalang!

& Polgoso
the two headed Noob!

& Cameras & crazy Pose!

, even though im singik!
i still enjoy your companies!

those days where way over! since everyone is Busy enjyng real life! hahaha... might as well try to enjoy mine too!

time do fly! hahaha... i rmmbr i was still 1st yr college!
then 3rd yir na!

[b]CRAZY??? PEOPLE[/b]

[b]NIX[/b] - he think's im crazy! hmm... nah! im just a psycho!

or same?!

[b]Lowes[/b] - the name i love to pronounce! Louis Pronounced as LOWEs!

[b]Chester[/b] - Itching His Back! i rmmbr dat!

i miss ur WebCam Days
[b]Jovito[/b] - I Find him very crazy YM Dude! he usually make YM Audible Spunking Cute Lil Mamal!

[b]Maye[/b] - 50% crazy 50% anonymous

[b]Tunie[/b] - Pocoyo! Tunie Toons!.. [b] JJ[/b]?!

[b]Shirow[/b] - kinda makes me wanna HAHAHA... nice talking non-sense with u!
i was the one who is reponsible for dat Non-Sense Talks!
[b]JoJo[/b] - I Miss Dis Dude! yah! i only see him on RAGNAROK WORLD?! playing Ragna!
[b]Evans[/b] - The Comments he Gave me & the Repu! it makes Laugh Out LOAD to the FULLEST! LIKE LOLTTF! very redonedantish word?!....
[b]Push[/b] - We Talk Crazy Things! & i like her company! ^^ nice to be with... trust me she's funny & i find here Mysterious!
[b]Shine?![/b] - My Sister?!

YES! she is indeed 100% crazy old Magot!

she loves to kulit me when she's in the MOOD!

she even looks psychotic when her Crazy Instict Arise!

BTW im just kiddn, she's really serious! totally!

nah! just kiddin! if she's really serious ill exclude her to my list! yah she's kinda serious the right time on a right way!

she cool! Trust me!
MORE to Come!
Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-06-17 11:24:20)