[align=center][color=Green][b]Your Funniest/Craziest Members Alive![/b][/color]

[sup]for Aspiring Cool & Crazy Members or Moderator[/sup][/align]
since there are lots of beauty contest i min
Top members threads,

& eye popping

strict/Scariest Mod Threads here,
why not put dis cool & funny

thread! give crazy members
a Chance! Not Literally Crazy! Clown Type! X)

if you think [b]Members are[/b]


Fun to be with

good character

& has a pleasing & sumtimes outrange personality!

then post his/her name here!
who knows?! maybe its ur friend's time to shine!

You can Post as many as you like!
its totally free & for Fun!
[align=center][b]just want to clear thing out or make it sound good/
to me it look so cool here are sum definitions
of words used on this thread[/b]![/align]
[b]fun·ny[/b] [fúnnee]
[sub][i]adjective (comparative fun·ni·er, superlative fun·ni·est[/i]) [/sub]
[sub]• comical: causing amusement, especially enough to provoke laughter [/sub]
[sub]• strange: odd or perplexing [/sub]
[sub]That's funny, I can't find my keys.[/sub]
[sub]• unconventional: out of the ordinary in a quaint or comical way [/sub]
[sub]a funny little doorway through an arch[/sub]
[b]cra·zy[/b] [kráyzee][sub]
[sub][i]adjective (comparative cra·zi·er, superlative cra·zi·est) (informal)[/i] [/sub]
[sub]• ridiculous: not showing good sense or practicality [/sub]
[sub]• very fond: extremely fond of somebody or something[/sub]
[sub]crazy about tennis[/sub]
[sub]noun (plural cra·zies)[/sub]
[sub]Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.[/sub]
[align=center]Is your Names Posted?! Please Dont be Offend ^^
Be Proud & Stand Out! cuz ur cool & Fun!
ur the responsible one who makes FTALK so entertaining
remmbr ur not a Laughing stuff, but a Legend! [/align]
[align=center][quote=Simple Rules Applied /][b]Please Read[/b]

For Fairness & Clean Thread!
No Spamming
No Starting of Flames
its ok to make this thead a Chat rum
but please dont abuse & always be on the
topic, not Off Topics

see you crazy peoples around!
just kipn 8 Real! ^~
Last edited by karuro72002 (2008-06-15 06:02:03)