[align=center][color=Green][b]Your Funniest/Craziest Members Alive![/b][/color] :o
[sup]for Aspiring Cool & Crazy Members or Moderator[/sup][/align]
since there are lots of beauty contest i min
Top m
Presenting the funniest and craziest members alive.
[b]All Class-S Members.[/b]
[spoiler][b]Special Mention Part I :[/b]
Shirow -the epic member evar exist in ftalk!! <33 u.
Ephe -with his incredibly unsolved riddles with unbelievable answers.
Kaka Aya -for being so funny in everywhere. =d
D Angelo (Joe) -for teaching me -u know what i mean-
Tunie -with his lolz lolz lolz
Joebz and Nela -for being good couple (lolwut)
Push -waaalala. teh one who always use big fonts. O__o
Shak and Bob -inhale britannia!![/spoiler]
[i]... moar to come ...[/i]
Aside of them, I found these people are funny and crazy too.
[spoiler]Ate Shika -woops. so glad that i met u ate. =d
Andry -best victim in ym. haha.
Yuuki -for his animu freaks.
Linniie -for being crazy with my name. [/spoiler]