Updated the 1st post due to some confusions the rules on C.S.S. Category may get messed up so here's the right words.[i] (my bad I think

typed the wrong words and expressions sorry


Only C.S.S. [.css] files are allowed in a C.S.S. Layout Submission. [color=red](No Submission of Scripts types like Script [.js] Files, Submit Only C.S.S Layout.)[/color]
[[i]Note:[/i][color=blue]You can use scripts in the test/main profile you are using and submit the preview with scripts on the profile, but only submit the C.S.S. Layout the one with the [i][.css][/i] Without the Scripts.][/color][/b][/quote]
I hope this is very clear now...
Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-05-28 06:33:28)