[b]i love this thread,.. this is very interesting not only for filipinos who cant speak english fluently but also for other non fil members.,. by this, some non-fil members can interact w/ us

and also for fun

since there are already posts above,.. hmm i cant think of other words that i can share..maybe i just try this one

This is not for Fil members who can speak Tagalog well...duh

,. but for our fellow eftokers who wants to speak tagalogz,. nyak!

[quote][b]commonly used [i]BASIC[/i] tagalog words[/b]
*OO - yes
*Hindi - No
*Bawal - Not allowed/Cannot be
*Pwede - Allowed/Can be
*Sige - Go on/Okey
*Wag kang Mag-spam! - Pls dont Spam!
*magandang thread ito!

- This is a nice thread!

*Mali ka - you are wrong
*Tama ka - You're Correct
*Tulong naman - Help me Please
*Gusto mo? - Do you like?
*Bawal Poser dito!

- Posers are not allowed here!

*Salamat sa tulong

- Thanks for the help

*Walang anuman

- Your welcome

*Pahingi ng reputation - Can you give me a reputation?
*Asan ang Codes? - Wheres the code?
*Wow! Hanep!

- Wow! its so cool!

*Astig ka!

- You rock!


hmmm thats all i can contribute... pardon me,.. i find it very simple and basic but i think that would be very helpful for nn-fil who wants to interact w/us.
[quote][i]obviously filipinos already knew this words...i just wanna share this one for non-filipino members,.. a [b]Very simple[/b] commonly used tagalog words... that can be used in this forum[/i][/quote]

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-03-19 07:58:58)