[quote=rexis28]i got the code properly but the problem is.....
how can i make the loading the wavsounds fast ? ? ?
it takes 2 -3 seconds before it finishes the DL time of the Wav. sounds on My ProFiLe
thats my ProFile...[/quote]
hmmm... not properly enough i guess... i saw ur enter page and it has an error sign...
so i have to peep... uhmm look

at your codes... and saw some mistakes in there..
like: your marquee won't work properly coz you mispelled "behavior"
you have two head section so better eliminate one and put the
marquee codes after the function script... and put your title inside
the head section also after the head tag... etc... you can PM me if
you wanna see my arrangement of your codes... and oh... that yodel
will not work so better change it.