[quote=blackwidow]newbie hre
i have a little idea about html
just want to ask if where can i paste the code for friendster welcomepage
is it in Customize with CSS editor?
kindly help me pls[/quote]
nawp..you have to save it in your hosting site..
after that,get the url of your .html and use tazmaines enter page trick!

:arrow:thoughT it wAs woRkin'...!!
:arrow:buT i gUess i was rung...
:arrow:ohh... ethx not woRkin on my page..!!![/quote]
Please asvoid using [b]sTicKy cApS[/b]..
Nyweiz,it's still working..
Just check your codes..
Last edited by i i LeA i i (2008-07-25 20:16:54)