I used the [b]Overloaded Alert[/b] for my classmate's profile..
but i change some of the codes..
like this one..
[quote]function showAlert() {
var later = new Date()
var millilater=later.getTime()/1000
var loadTime=(Math.floor((millilater-millinow)*100))/100
var loadTimeResult= "It took you "+loadTime+" seconds to load this page"
var babiesborn=Math.ceil(loadTime*4.18)
var babiesbornresult="While this page was loading "+babiesborn+" [b]People die[/b]"
if (babiesborn==1){babiesbornresult="While this page was loading "+babiesborn+" baby has been born"}
alert(newline+newline+"Welcome "+VisitorName+"!"+newline+newline+browser+newline+clock+newline+loadTimeResult+newline+internetTime+
document.write('<body onLoad="set();showAlert()">') ;[/quote]
thx for this one..