[align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar thread.

[quote][b]Is it possible to love two persons at the same time?[/b][/quote]
Think about it

My answer (which is awfully long)
[quote][color=green][b]"No, it's not possible because truth is, you're not loving anyone but yourself"[/b][/color][/quote]
My bestfriend told me a different answer
[quote][color=green][b]"It is possible, But -- you just love the other one more"[/b][/color][/quote]
Now, it got me to a lot of thinking again. . . [sup]Weee talk about confusion delights[/sup]

I started to think about my personal experience if i did love both guys at the same time.
so I went back in highschool

[quote]Let's say i like [b]Guy A[/b] and [b]Guy B[/b]. . .
I did like them both and yea the level's different but the thing is the right term that i felt for them is [b]like[/b] not love -- so this [u]doesn't[/u] count as an example.[/quote]
I searched for another situation
[quote]i think I [b]love[/b] Guy A who I've been dating for a year and then I started to [b]like/love[/b] Guy C who i just met ---- I got confuse then i [b]COMPARED[/b] the two.[/quote]
But if you're comparing two person then it's not love anymore right??
I mean you're just choosing which guy is more convenient to your liking and preference?
[b]So in my case, I cannot love two person at the same time.[/b]

[quote]What about the [b]two-timers[/b] out there?
if you're two-timing does it mean that you love them both?[/quote]
[b]Not quite.[/b]
[quote]Let's say Guy A and Girl B are in a relationship. They love each other blahbla so on and so forth.
Then Girl B met Guy C. Girl B and Guy C started to like each other and then they started to go out too BUT Girl B and Guy A didn't break up with each other yet.

Let's give Guy A and Guy C characteristics:
[b]Guy A[/b] - classy rich sophisticated goodlooking sweet and possesive
[b]Guy C[/b] - has a great sense of humor, has a strong sex appeal, sweet , smart
So now, Girl B cant decide and says " [b]I love them both[/b]"
let's go back to my answer ---
[b]"it's not possible because you don't really love anyone but yourself"[/b]
Because if you love two person at the same time then you're just being selfish. You cannot leave either one of them because both guys have different set of qualities that makes you happy in a different way respectively.
I know that if I stripped off Guy A and Guy C's personality or material things Girl B won't have an affair with Guy C in the first place because she love both person for something else. If they're both the same, then there's nothing to like about with the second guy. You tend to like another person because he has something that the first guy doesn't have.
Let's not foret that [b]EVERYBODY is special.[/b]
We just need to know what we want more.
Sometimes loving a person can be really [u]selfish[/u] pero that's how it is in this crazy world.
But then, does it also mean that my bestfriend is right? Since we're all different --
[b]It might really be possible to love two persons at the same time[/b] [sup]** ggggahhhhhh this is so confusing!!!! help? [/sup]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-06-27 03:52:47)