• » [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

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[align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

[align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

[align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar thread. :thumbsup: [quote][b]Is it possible to love two persons at the same time?[/b][/quote] Think about it =|[/align] My answer (which is awfully long) [spoiler] [quote][color=green][b]"No, it's not possible because truth is, you're not loving anyone but yourself"[/b][/color][/quote] My bestfriend told me a different answer [quote][color=green][b]"It is possible, But -- you just love the other one more"[/b][/color][/quote] Now, it got me to a lot of thinking again. . . [sup]Weee talk about confusion delights[/sup] :exclaim: I started to think about my personal experience if i did love both guys at the same time. so I went back in highschool :penguin: [quote]Let's say i like [b]Guy A[/b] and [b]Guy B[/b]. . . I did like them both and yea the level's different but the thing is the right term that i felt for them is [b]like[/b] not love -- so this [u]doesn't[/u] count as an example.[/quote] I searched for another situation [quote]i think I [b]love[/b] Guy A who I've been dating for a year and then I started to [b]like/love[/b] Guy C who i just met ---- I got confuse then i [b]COMPARED[/b] the two.[/quote] But if you're comparing two person then it's not love anymore right?? I mean you're just choosing which guy is more convenient to your liking and preference? [b]So in my case, I cannot love two person at the same time.[/b] :thumbsup: [quote]What about the [b]two-timers[/b] out there? if you're two-timing does it mean that you love them both?[/quote] [b]Not quite.[/b] [quote]Let's say Guy A and Girl B are in a relationship. They love each other blahbla so on and so forth. Then Girl B met Guy C. Girl B and Guy C started to like each other and then they started to go out too BUT Girl B and Guy A didn't break up with each other yet. :o[/quote] Let's give Guy A and Guy C characteristics: [b]Guy A[/b] - classy rich sophisticated goodlooking sweet and possesive [b]Guy C[/b] - has a great sense of humor, has a strong sex appeal, sweet , smart So now, Girl B cant decide and says " [b]I love them both[/b]" let's go back to my answer --- [b]"it's not possible because you don't really love anyone but yourself"[/b] [align=center] [b]Why?[/b] Because if you love two person at the same time then you're just being selfish. You cannot leave either one of them because both guys have different set of qualities that makes you happy in a different way respectively. I know that if I stripped off Guy A and Guy C's personality or material things Girl B won't have an affair with Guy C in the first place because she love both person for something else. If they're both the same, then there's nothing to like about with the second guy. You tend to like another person because he has something that the first guy doesn't have. Let's not foret that [b]EVERYBODY is special.[/b] We just need to know what we want more. Sometimes loving a person can be really [u]selfish[/u] pero that's how it is in this crazy world. But then, does it also mean that my bestfriend is right? Since we're all different -- [b]It might really be possible to love two persons at the same time[/b] [sup]** ggggahhhhhh this is so confusing!!!! help? [/sup] [b]SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? IS IT POSSIBLE OR NOT?[/b][/align] [/spoiler]

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-06-27 03:52:47)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

^ Your right..but you love them both..your just comparing to know who is more rightful for your heart..:) That's why we need [b]Sacrifices[/b]..=| @topic: umm..for me it's possible..=) Situation: Your bf/gf is busy with his/her work..and you feel cold and need him/her to comfort you but he/she is quite busy..then a friend of you will offer his good intentions and willingness to guide and comfort you..then..that is the start of falling inlove with your friend..even tough your still inlove with your bf/gf..=| *this is only my point of view..base on my friends experience..;]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

i've never been in a situation like that.. thats why i cant really tell... :wallbash: [b]but[/b] when i imagine myself in that situation.. i still feel like staying with my bf.. instead with the new guy.. coz,, with my bf.. we had many obstacles overcomed.. (wut a word. lol) :lol: we know each other very well.. maybe we're just confused with the new guy,, coz hey!.. this guy is sumthin' new.. we're [b]used to[/b] be with our bf/gf doin some crazy stuff [b]all over again[/b].. and being with the new guy/girl is something new.. so maybe u'll say that,, u want to be with the new guy/girl coz she/he makes u happy.. [b]but still[/b] u dont wanna lose the other one.. coz u might say: [b]bcoz u love him/her[/b] :wallbash: errr,,, im really not that good at explaining things.. imma update this one sooner or later :lol::lol::lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

[quote=kcired14]Your bf/gf is busy with his/her work..and you feel cold and need him/her to comfort you but he/she is quite busy..then a friend of you will offer his good intentions and willingness to guide and comfort you..then..that is the start of falling inlove with your friend..even tough your still inlove with your bf/gf..=|[/quote] if that happens then the love he feels for his girlfriend will fade right ? because it is slowly replaced by the emotions he feels for his 'friend' ?
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

[quote=forsakendoll]if that happens then the love he feels for his girlfriend will fade right ? because it is slowly replaced by the emotions he feels for his 'friend' ?[/quote] i agree.. it happened to me way back.. my gash.. but i regret all that.. i lied when i said it didnt happened to me.. wahahaha... i forgot all about that.. i just remembered it when i saw sizley forsakendoll's post above.. :o :wow:

Last edited by nina123456 (2008-06-27 04:08:28)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

for me...[b]yes[/b]...possible!!! sometimes we cant help it to be inlove w/ someone else...:wow: even if our mind says [b]not to fall[/b]:eh:..but our heart says [b]yes!!!=)[/b] cause most of us don't listened what our mind says when it comes to love!!!... [b]heart rules!![/b]:thumbsup: honestly i experience this situation b4 when i was in highskul lyf!! .... [spoiler]wat im sayin'...i cant believe that i say that thing!!![/spoiler] thats only my opinion... lolz.. hope u understnd wat i mean!! lolz..:lol::lol::lol:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

[quote=forsakendoll]if that happens then the love he feels for his girlfriend will fade right ? because it is slowly replaced by the emotions he feels for his 'friend' ?[/quote] Yes..that love will fade in the process..but before that happens..you still love the person..and the time of choosing comes..=) Once you've chose your gf..it means that you still love her..but if you choose the new comer..it means it's over for both of you..:(
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

[quote=cronixemo]even if our mind says not to fall:eh:..but our heart says yes!!!=)[/quote] yeah i am in way its really hard to not fall but our heart say to love huff so confused about this hhhaa.. LOL
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

:arrow: for me it's [b]impossible![/b] i mean.. [i]only 1 thing can occupy a given space at a given time..[/i] so i don't believe that a person can love 2 people at the same time! it's either he/she's just playing with 1 of them or because he/she just feels a "little" love with a person, it builds [b]"a space"[/b] for him/her to love another guy/girl! [b]that's my opinion![/b] =)=)=) [img]http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc194/anjapri/tuj6-1.gif[/img]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

yes i think.. its posible.. but there's a harm on it, maybe there is.. of course, if you love two persons at a time you may be fooling one of them.. :doubt:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

for me it [b]posible[/b] its just that you love the other one more enweiz its just my opinion :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

yeah... if you're falling out of love with the person and falliing in love w/ the other....
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

for me.. its [b]possible[/b] i experienced it now.. but i am confused because i don't want to fall again with the [b]past[/b] one(he's returning to me and start implying something.. ahaha) because i have this [b]present[/b] guy but what else can i do.. i both love them.. hai,,
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

for me it is possible. i have tried that one! :O:o :lol:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

I dunno about you guys... Maybe it is possible to love two persons at the same time but it kinda [b]doesn't[/b] apply with me. Because when I truly love a person, I don't look at other guys haha. :lol: Because if for instance I cheated on my boyf then it means I really don't love the other one. . .
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

nope. stick to one, coz your not just hurting one of them, your also hurting youself.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

it's kinda selfish but yes. it's possible.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

yes it is possible..:| because we are not perfect or in other words nothing is perfect.:thumbsup:=)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

About this: [quote=forsakendoll]"No, it's not possible because truth is, you're not loving anyone but yourself"[/quote] Its true, if you both love them then you have to let one go. I've heard in an episode of Powerpuff Girls (Lols) [quote]If you truly love someone, you will let them go.[/quote]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

NO i guess NOT on my own opinion cause they said that if you already have ONE then you fall for the SECOND you better pick the SECOND cause if you're happy, contented with the FIRST ONE you'll not gonna have the SECOND
  • » [align=center]I got this from my blog I've written ages ago and I'm sharing it here now because I got good feedbacks there -- I've used the search engine already and I don't think there's a similar th

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