Pages: 12344

  2008-08-24 11:10:01

:+:DominiK 521:+:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Mods, you can trash this if you want, and i dont know if this was already suggested. [b]To all, sorry.[/b] Could us FriendsterTalk members have a reunion or a meeting? im just suggesting ok. :|

[quote=eehjhay]Hahaha.. No way! I'll be missing a lot of events then?! Im in Sydney. And only one or two members I know here who live in Australia. Hahahaha.. Im kidding. Hmm.. Just take a video on that event ok? So others can be jealous like me on your meet. Hahahaha :lol:[/quote] oh yes! there could be one official thread for the meeting (if ever) then we can post the video of the meeting in youtube! eptok+reunion= i am jealous! (i live in Jeddah :crybaby: ) i wont be able to join! but i think the idea is great though. ;) this is just a suggestion... :penguin:

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