[quote=CuTeUkoi]wow!! i apreciate that,.,..tanxoooo tanxooo[/quote]
[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]> Jocamps
tenkiu por addin me in ur list sis
i'll surely hit u back! =][/quote]
[quote=gratitude1]YT Sisz!![/quote]
[quote=ekzm]uhaa~~ thanks jamie..^^
im gonna hit you back.(literally) ~ ~ ~ Joke! ^^[/quote]
[quote=Kaygee :3]wow!
tenx sis[/quote]
[quote=myca.07]wow!..is that me in ur pending list?
tenx sis!. I'll wait 4 it.[/quote]
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]Wow, that's really awesome! Thanks man! Rock on!! I so owe you one...[/quote]
[quote=zyrax86]wahhh rili sis? i was surprised wen i saw my name on ur list....
wel thank u in advance sis....[/quote]
ahehe!! no prob guys i love makin fansign.. id probably upload it by tom or on monday

[quote=yh3t]pending list:
waa. who else.??[/quote]
thanks yhet

[quote=Lhyrickz]is that me???
letter r is missing
anyway thank you in advange sis if its my name
i will hit you back[/quote]
oh my im sori yeah letter r is missing.. my bad