Pages: 12344

  2008-02-20 08:42:20

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

give a song that describes you now.. ill be the first one to give without you by kyla :(

dreaming of you by selena :[ it's really a sentimental song . sewmtymx i cry everytm i hear tat one . -late at nyt wen all ta world is sleeping i stay up and tink op you and i wish on ta star tat sumwer u are tinkin op mii too . huhu :'[ it's not tat i cry juz bcoz it's so senti it's juz tat i oweiz tinkin op him *em hoping tat the guy i love tinks op mii too but it seems tat it wut not happen anymore bcoz i realize tat i lubb him ryt after he left and he had his new boo ryt now which is a not-so-close friend! :'[

Pages: 12344

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