[quote=jopet_Q][quote=lilprincess950]Thanks,but not gonna use it cuz it hung up my browser.

But thanks for sharing.[/quote]
that's what is written in the description heheh... the loop in the code makes the browser hung... it's a funny code at first try, but a ryt-clicker would have second thoughts of doing it again if they experience what you have experienced...lolz
if you don't want to hung the right-clicker's browser...just replace this part[quote]clickSnake()[/quote]
with this (redirection)[quote]top.location.href="http://www.blahblahblah.com"[/quote]
I know it said on the info,but I figured it wouldn't be hung cause I'm using FF.

Anyway,thanks for the info.Might as well put it on the post so other peep's browsers won't get hung up.